Podziel się wrażeniami!
It's unacceptable how Sony's people treat customers... I'm (was) a potential buyer of Sony A7SII and was bounced 4 times between different departmens/stores simply to answer: Can't I really test A7SII in the store? ( I was not allowed to do this in 2 places, so wanted to confirm this), as this is very unprofessional - sell something without giving a possibility to test it.
Hope here I receive some relevant answer.
Sony's reply: "you can't test it because it's expensive, only buy. Generally you can buy and return it the same day, if there it's unused".
- The only day I can return is the same day as I bought it? I have the right to return good in 2 weeks...
- We don't accept returns.
Thank you for your message.
Sometimes the Sony Centre stores organize promotional campaigns which enabling rental photo equipment but it's not a normal shop offer.
Best regards, Sony Team
High sony center it's private shops and they don't want to give the equipment to test especially if the price is high. It's normal and i understand them. No one gives them a test sample for free. Couple years ago when Sony Store work it was possible now you can go to blackmedia and rent a7sII and pay for that 200zł per day.
Very nice... I have to pay 200 zl in order to see if I like the camera or not.
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