VPCEC1S1E - upgrade to Windows 10 or not?


VPCEC1S1E - upgrade to Windows 10 or not?

Hello. Does anyone out there have experience of installing Windows 10 on model VPCEC1S1E or similar (laptop of 6-7 years, Windows 7 64-bit, not supported by Sony for W10)? Did the upgrade go smoothly? What issues did you encounter? Do you wish you'd stayed with Windows 7? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,



Hi, i have upgraded successfully VPCS13S9E, that is old laptop too.


There were those problems>


a] battery management

b] brightness adjusting [overbright or underbright], change unable

c] missing memory stick driver


You need install W7 drivers [in this order, restart Windows separately between drivers]-

Sony Firmware Extension Parser

Sony Shared Library

Settings utility Series

VAIO Event Service

VAIO Control Center

Memory stick driver [if you need it]


You can use VAIO Control Center for W7 in W10 [battery management, automatic brightness adjusting, HDD vibration locking, etc], hotkeys for brightness are functional now.