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I have Vaio Care version I am getting a message "A new version of Vaio Care is available. Vaio Update cannot be used until it is updates. Do you want to update now?"
on answering affirmative the update attempts to download, but then comes-up with an error message that it failed to load, please try again later. My internet access is OK, and I've tried many times. What to do?
I am also registering my inability to download updates, problem exactly the same as luke29. it says I cant use Vaio Update software until Vaio Care is updated, and that wont update. So getting no support for my laptop at all. VPCCB4C5E.
In addition my laptop battery has just died, with the old "your battery cannot be detected" error message. I see researching through the internet that this is a common problem with he Sony laptop. I have only had the laptop about 9 months. Waiting for a reply from Sony on that too..........not very impressed with Sony at the moment. Hope they are not another Sky where they do anything to get you as a customer, then ignore you when you have bought their product but have problems!!
Message was edited by: kabagna72
I have the same problem. Vaio care gone and the ASSIST button does nothing, all since downloading the latest update.
Sony have been very quiet on this not even acknowleding the problem.
Me too. I can't update my VAIO Care software on my new SVT1311B4E running Windows 7 with SP1; at least you're now acknowledging the fact that you built my laptop & my serial number exists. Come on Sony, you can do much better than this
Hi Fatboyge,
Was it the automated Vaio Care update or Vaio Update (update) that caused the problem? Did the update appear to download and install?
If you can provide more details I will add this problem to the escalation.
Same problem as some others here on a Sony VAIO VPCF11Z1E laptop, VAIO Update version as shown by clicking on icon in taskbar is That is after downloading latest VAIO Update manually from from Sony website and installing it over broken program. This fresh installation works provided I turn the self-update facility off under Settings to avoid the poison update bait.
When the program breaks, dedicated ASSIST button does not work and VAIO Care program is completely broken. Have I got the latest correct update for my model? I see others on an 8 where mine is 6.
On examining the history of installation failures on my Sony VAIO laptop I see that what is happening when I permit self update is that the program tries to install VAIO Care 8.1, which breaks the program and disables VAIO Care. Installing the latest 6.1 VAIO Care download for my model from the Sony website manually restores functionality. There must be an error somewhere at the Sony end in either a server setting or the software itself, or both.
Message was edited by: stchamp47
Still not updating. Somebody got any luck?
After trying almost everything, I have decided to delete the anti-virus completly (Mcafee) and luckly the vaio care was able to update the new version :smileysilly:. Then, I logged into my Mcafee account to download and install the anti-virus back to my pc. Good luck
Anyone still having this issue under Windows 8, try this:
Hi everyone,
I had the same problem. I had Vaio Care version (file EP0000266095). I was told that an update to Vaio Care was available, seemed to be downloading for 10 mins, only to be told to try later.
The irony is that when I bought the Vaio in November, I was able to install this update with no problem. But due to motherboard change in January, I have had to do a factory reset, and mysteriously the update didn’t work (therefore the problem came In December).
I have tried several solutions on this forum but THE ONE THAT WORKED was to manually download the file from Sony Asia. This file has the same name as the one needed in the Uk.
File name: EP0000281090.exe “Vaio Care 8.1 updater (twin)”
If successful, your version of Vaio Care should now show Version And should automatically show your Vaio Serial number.
I have had no problems after that, all the updates to Sony software worked.
Hope it helps,
Hello All,
I have been having the same problem with automatically updating through Vaio Update. I tried to get the updates from the support website manually and still ran into problems.
It seems to be that the ftp server tends to cut the download short and results in partial executables being downloaded. When I tried to launch the executables they kept crashing (this is what led me to noticing that they were not complete).
The solution that I have gotten to work is to use the link to the executable (e.g. EP0000250111.exe) and use a FTP client (like FileZilla) that will automaticatically restart a download if server connections fail.
The host would be and updates are in directory /PUB/VAIO/UPDATES/
I have inserted an image of me using FileZilla in case it helps.
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