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I have Vaio Care version I am getting a message "A new version of Vaio Care is available. Vaio Update cannot be used until it is updates. Do you want to update now?"
on answering affirmative the update attempts to download, but then comes-up with an error message that it failed to load, please try again later. My internet access is OK, and I've tried many times. What to do?
Hello everybody,
I finally managed to solve the issue.
I have mentioned this in another discussion but i will post it again here for you guys. Its been a while now since this happened and as it seems theres no fix for it except the one i have found. Try these steps and you should be able to update your VAIO UPDATE and afterwards your VAIO CARE should be able to be updated as well.
Here is what you need to do:
1. Turn off any Internet connections
2. Start Vaio Update. You will get an error message saying that there is no Internet connection available so dismiss it
3. Now Vaio Update will open
4. Click on "Check for Updates" button on the top. Dismiss again the same message
5. Now click on the small clock button on top right (Installation History). It will bring up a screen with all updates attempts.
6. In the list you will see (presumably) your error: something with an error code, etc.
7. What is important is to click on the link provided under the Program tab. It will open the link from which you can get the version needed.
Good luck! Let me know if it worked for you as well.
UPDATE: Vaio Care wont update itself through Vaio Update after you do all the steps.
You would need to try and update Vaio Care and IF it fails to do so you need to go to Vaio Care again and do step 5 do step 7 again. Find the version you need from somewhere (google it or do as me i used SONYs Middle East and Africa web site to download the softwere i needed ( )) and install it.
Hope this helps. It fixed it for me.
Message was edited by: ApostolovMMA
Message was edited by: ApostolovMMA
Sure, I found the answer in the thread titled "vaio care vaio update problem" raised by AHIPAP 2 Jan 2013, specifically in the answer provided by "Reasonable-Rich". His message gives the link provided by Peter T, Community Manager, to the download site for Vaio Care 8,1.
I just play one game..When I finish it was window that UPDATE is successful. I even didn't know that was downloading I think this problem is resolved.
this does not work for me when i turn the internet connection off and try to open it it says there are no internet connection mabe a firewall is blocking it etc please go to the setting..... and then it closes is there another way??? i am suprised sony havent fixed this problem i thought they were meant to be the best
What Error Code do You get and what type of update was used?
I got Error Code 0xA0010003 in all cases.
Vaio Care Update was using both VSSU and VAU, downloading from some FTP server.
This is info about Error Codes I found at
_Type of Update_ _Description_
VAU VAIO Auto Update
VUM Auto VAIO Update Menu Automatic updates
VUM Manual VAIO Update Menu Manual updates
VSSU VAIO Software Self Update
Status – displays if the update is successful or not
Error Code – displays the error code if the patch failed to update
Update date and time – displays date and time when the update has been made
_______________________Error Code Table_______________________
_Error code_ _Description_
0xA0010000 Unavailable URL.
0xA0010001 Error occurred during FTP download.
0xA0010002 Error occurred during HTTP or HTTPs download.
0xA0010003 File size is incorrect after download.
0xA0010005 There is no digital sign or the digital sign is incorrect.
0xA0010006 The installation failed due to power supply is not connected before installation.
0xA0010007 Uninstall flag was set to “1” but the uninstall path is null before installation.
0xA0011000 Unsuccessful Updates.
Rich912 I am yet again another person having a similar issue with Vaio Care update. Mine just says that it needs updating so I click on Yes and then it says downloading at the bottom right of screen and the download line goes back and forth as normal but then it eventually says to try again later. Cannot progress from here.
It can't be a problem with everyone's laptops must be the download centre server.
You put that they have been made aware of the problem so hopefully something is going to be done asap as it is the 6th January 2013 now.
Any further news about the issue Rich912 ?
Hi Folks,
I think I have a related issue with my VPCEB2Z0E.
I have been trying to install various Automatic downloads through Vaio Update over the last two days.
So far only three downloads have been successful:
VAIO Update -
VAIO Smart Network -
VAIO Control Centre -
A further 9 updates are shown as available, but have failed to download automatically. All are showing error code 0xA0010003.
My laptop has BIOS R0300Y8 installed.
Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated. I've tried email support, but that is down at the moment!
Hi all,
I regret to report that there has been no response whatsoever to the escalation of 30th December
This is obviously not acceptable and has now been raised with the European forum manager. As and when we receive any response it will be posted here.
Model No SVE1511W1EB.
Been trying to update Vaio Care since 06/12/12, (Download Failed, Error Code 0xA0010003), and then today
at 11:30, outstanding Updates downloaded & installed. Wonder if Sony have now got their act together?.
Latest on this is that Support have confirmed a server issue.
For anyone still experiencing problems I will update this thread when futher information is available.
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