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I have Vaio VPCSB1C5E
it is a great machine... until I did the update with Media Gallery and PMB mid- July. Ever since, windows 7 keeps going in a loop about the installation of PMB Vaio Edition plug-in. It doesn't install it but keeps trying. After a few minute I have an error message.
Because Windows keep trying, I cant do any other updates. Every time I have a fail error as a background program is running!!! and I cant stop the b***** installation of PBM plug-in!!
So what canI do??
I tried a recovery on a previous date.... but it failed
I tried reinstalled PMB.... and it failed
I tried unistalling PMB.... and it failed!!
I called Sony and they said: do a Disc Recovery to get back to manufacture standard!!! Well.... how painful is this?!?!
I didn't buy a Macbook because I all faith in Sony and Windows.... and I feel I regret it alll!!!!!
Can someone help me?? PLEEEEAASEE!!
Thanks a lot:smileysad:
Message was edited by: gaucherp
Message was edited by: gaucherp
Sorry to say but I'd go back to Factory Settings aswell.
is there anyone out there willing to help on this matter there must be someone who has had this problem and got it fixed i and many others would really appriciate a response before i take a ####ing hammer to this laptop, i am not that good with computers and thought that SONY were a good make. i bought a Sony dslr camera also was that another mistake. i think someone from sony should go through these question and at least respond to it
Hi there
You must bare in mind that this is primarily a community run forum supported by normal everyday people, customers, fans etc.
In the community guidelines, it states:
"You should not expect Sony employees to respond to your individual posts via this channel. If you would like to discuss something with Sony directly, please use these contact details. "
Therefore, if the community cannot assist you, it might be best to contact Sony directly.
Hi bradgibb,
what model vaio do you have.?
If the instalation is stuck in a loop have you tried doing a system restore to a point before you installed the update.?
Then try downloading the update from your vaio models support site & try again..
Judging by the original post it would seem that if you contact Vaio support they will recommend that you do a system recovery back to factory settings..
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