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I am trying to access wireless internet connection in my Sony Bravia TV but it says my default built-in Wifi is OFF. Try to setup wireless network but SSID never discovered. I did Factory Rest multiple times but the issue still persists.
Hi rafinkarki,
Can you explain more? Does the TV fail to discover the SSID of your own WiFi network only or all the networks in your area? If it's just your network, can you tell us what happens when you try connecting to a mobile hotspot?
Its not discovering any of the network. Not mobile hotspot.and not from router too.Wireless device on tv is off
No network discoverd
Wireless Device on TV: Off
That's the problem, you need to turn on Wi-Fi (On)
Now where do i do that exactly? I see no settings? Couldnot find the way to do that.
Settings > System Settings > Set-up > Built-in Wi-Fi: Turns the built-in wireless LAN [On] or [Off].
I did that earlier but no luck.after that i checked my network status.but still its off.
Ok, try to disable Wi-Fi Direct...
Yes i did that too and checked network status.but still same issue
Any further steps with the solution?
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