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I have been unable to set my Virgin Media TIVO remote control to operate volume/mute for this 32WD756 TV. I have tried the "search all-codes" and "Quick Search SONY codes" procedures as directed on TiVo help screen.
None of the following SONY codes listed on the Tivo menu work: 0018; 0045; 0101; 0131; 0154; 0177; 0211; 0301; 0302; 0357; 0358; 0609; 0785
Does anyone know the actual code?, please advise.
(I have successfully set volume / mute etc for my main TV and 3 other friend's TVs so I am well used to the procedure.)
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Quinnicus
I have found the solution the code is 0302 and it works.Trial and error but succes in the end.
Hi there
Im assuming you have been through this article HERE.
Sony do not give out remote codes, therefore you will need to contact Virgin Media Support and seek their advice.
Thanks for info. Yes I have been through the Tivo procedure half a dozen times per my OP, set many remotes including my main TV and those of my friends and relatives.
However, I didn't mention in my OP that 1 of the blind search codes does turn off the TV but when I turn the TV on again with the TV remote, the Tivo remote does not control volume / mute as it should.
I was hoping it was a 'missing' SONY code but I assume as you suggest, it is a Tivo fault?
Hi there
Unknown where the 'fault' lies to be honest, so I cant say either way. But from previous experience with remote codes onto other brands remotes, is that support goes to that company (i.e. Virgin, Sky etc). This is probably because Sony has no control over the functionality of other brands remote controls. I assume under some type of commercial agreement that Sony (and other TV manufacturers) provides certain codes to Virgin/Sky.
For me personally, I would like to help you, but I cannot, as I dont have your model TV or Tivo. So unless another forum member has your setup, then Virgin Support is really the answer.
Also, dont be surprised if Virgin say a stock answer of "We cannot guarantee support of all brand/models of TVs etc etc"
The most likely reason is that Virgin hasnt updated the codes database as of yet, considering your TV is relatively new.
However if/when you do get an answer, please post back as I am curious on the answer. You know, "curiosity killed the cat" and all..
Thanks for your prompt response and guidence. I will update this forum in due course when I have had some info via Virgin Media's own 'Community' Forum. However it's so near to busy busy Christmas, it may be end of month/New Year before I could have the problem solved.
In the meantime MERRY CHRISTMAS to all community members.
Best Wishes, John
Hi JamCT69
I to have been grappling with the problem and I have found the solution. The code is 0302. I have tried it out numerous times and it works. Follow the VM screen and enter the code for manul search. The control up needs to be pressed many times until the screen goes blank.Press the power on button to switch on the tv. Do not forget to press the okay button to lockin the code.
I hope it works for you. In the unlikely event it does not let me know. Merry Christmas!!
Hi there
Excellent !! Thanks for posting back and glad you have managed to get it to work. Im sure this might help others in time too.
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