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My setup consists Sony KDL-40EX402 TV, DAV-F200 home theater system and a PC. The home theater system is connected to TV via HDMI cable and audio cable (two plugs in both ends). PC is connected to TV via VGA and normal 3.5mm audio cable (one plug in both ends).
My problem is that I can't figure out how to make audio from PC to come out from the DAV-F200 home theater.
Is that even possible? What settings should I use in TV and in home theater?
Hi Harri
Have you tried plugging the audio cable from your PC to your home theater?:smileyconfused:
The PC is only hooked to the TV. The home theater system doesn't have 3.5mm audio input, but the TV has.
You then need a 3.5mm stereo plug to two phono plugs lead.
I got this working by returning factory settings and switching audio cable from Audio OUT to Phones. Audio OUT worked only for the first time PC input was selected through TV, but not for the second time. Phones output works just fine.
Well, the Audio OUT works with PC input also when TV's speakers are selected as audio system from Audio settings, but then the audio comes out through TV's speakers plus the home theater speakers. That's not nice at all, so I have to user external audio system in my Audio settings. (I use Finnish settings in my TV, so I don't know what the settings are in English.)
Updating TV's firmware didn't fix the problem, but I think I can live with using the Phones output. PC is still connected to TV through VGA and 3.5mm audio cable.
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