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Connecting Sony Bravia TV to (very) old Hi Fi system ?


Connecting Sony Bravia TV to (very) old Hi Fi system ?

Hello! I am having trouble connecting my Sony Bravia TV (model KDL-40EX402; this one http://www.sony.lv/product/tv-102-40-lcd/kdl-40ex402 -it goes to Sony Latvia, I don't know why) to my very old "RXD6AV Disk Exchange/mini HiFi component system" (this one http://www.podarimo.si/slike/slika11282729800.jpg).

The problem is a bit more complicated. I am using a laptop to watch films on the TV. Some films support 5.1 and I decided to see if I could use my old HiFi. The thing is the 5.1 (or any sound for that matter) only works when the HiFi receives signal from a video or a dvd player, not my TV.

I'm sorry I may have not explained very well, I'm not very good at these things.

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Hi there

Im not sure i fully understand? The Hifi (from the picture), is only 2 speakers - hence 2 channel stereo (2.0)? I am assuming that you have the other 3 speakers and sub connected?

Can you also confirm that you have connected a digital optical cable to the digital in port (from the digital out port on the TV, and set the TV audio output accordingly) I believe the HIFI has this.

I understand that you get 5.1 from your DVD player (a video player, as far as im aware doesnt support 5.1), so we know that works.

Reading this back, I guess what im saying is, is the cabling. How have you cabled it altogether?



There are indeed all the parts necessary for a 5.1 system. The system works if I play a film on a dvd or an old video casette, but I get no audio from the TV if I want to watch the news, for example (not even stereo... just the static buzz off the speaker.. and yes I have looked into the TV's settings and it is set on hifi output, not tv speakers).

I have a DVD player, a VCR, that HiFi system all linked to my Bravia (all other electronics are also Sony). The HiFi can output surround sound, but I can't manage to get it from the TV (from a film that supports 5.1 audio), through to the HiFi so that I can actually have 5.1 audio instead of the stereo speakers from the TV.

To make it clearer, here's some examples:

1. VCR:

-video goes to tv

- 5.1 audio goes to HiFi (works)

2. DVD

same as VCR

3. TV (used as a monitor for a film played on a laptop)

- video from latop

[problem here] audio from laptop to TV then HiFi (doesn't work at all, not even stereo)

- audio from laptop to TV using the TV's speakers (works)

[problem here] audio from TV to HiFi (no laptop, regular TV channel) - doesn't work at all

The things is.... the TV specs say it handles 5.1 audio but I need someone to explain to me which are the output sockets/hole/thingies and what type of cable I need to connect from TV audio out to HiFi audio in.

Because I have the standard red/white but it's obviously not surround. And also, the HiFi is capable of 5.1, but apparently I can only get it to output surround, not to also receive and then output.

I hope I didn't make things even more intricated : (

EDIT : I have no digital optical cable, and I don't think that HiFi suports it.

Message was edited by: vici30

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Ok, lets keep this simple and leave the DVD and VHS out of the equation.

You must connect the TV to the HIFI via a Digital Optical Cable (sometimes known as a TOSLINK Cable)

From TV - Digital Optical Out

To Hifi - Digital Optical In

An Example-


Just saw you updated post,

On page 12 of the HiFi manual it says a digital in jack


I am assuming that is the Optical Jack. Can you confirm that it looks a squarish port at the back of the HiFi?

Edit again - It might have a small black cover over it, where you just pull off with your fingers.

Message was edited by: Quinnicus


As far as I can see, the only squarish thing that has "digital" (and has a black cover which you pull off) is a thing called "CD Digital Output (Optical)". That's obviously not input.

Other than that, I have the regular things for Antenna, Woofer, Speakers Video.

I now assume that my version of the HiFi doesn't have a digital input... Since on the back side of the system there is the digital output thingy on the right, but on the left there is only a plastic square which hasn't been cut off in the factory... So I guess no Digital In for me (if that's where it would be supposed to be).

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It does sound like no 5.1 from TV for you.

However it just makes no sense on having an Opitical Output on a Hifi (unless outputting to other systems). Im still scratching my head here, on why would anyone want to output to a CD player. You INPUT it to the Hifi. Im wondering if its incorrectly labeled.

One suggestion is to purchase a TOSLINK cable of Amazon. They are less than a fiver, so you wouldnt loose much, even if it didnt work.

Just my 2p that all.

Good Luck.