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Running a KLD-40W605B.
No apps are available. Message is the server is currently unavailable.
I have restarted the tv
Done a factory reset
TV is connected to the internet.
I either get a 2123 message in settings, or "serveris unavailable " on the apps page.
Is this a sony problem?
Please advise
Same here with a 40W905. I've disconnected router and tv from the power, tried again, but without success. As far as I can make out the tv is connected to the router (the auto set-up on the tv claims its connected, and the tv appears in the connected devices in the router's admin pages), but I get the same symptoms described above - 2123 error, or server unavailable, and no iPlayer or youtube.
Maybe its something daft like an expired SSL certificate (complete guess), or something transient, but no way of telling as far as I can see.
Same problem in Denmark
Same here. KDL-W815B software PKG3.004EUA
Have done the usual resets of router and TV and refreshed internet content all without success. I am connected to router by cable but I have also tried a wireless connection with the same outcome.
Interestingly my Sony blu-ray player has the exact same problem.
Netwiork checks are all "OK" on the TV and I can get a Google page via the TV.
My PC, Samsung blu-ray and Acer laptop can all access the net. Speedtest shows connection speed a little low today, 33.24Mbps but that still should be more than enough.
Same issue here on my BRAVIA KDL-42W653A!
What's going on Sony??
I should also add, I have done a factory reset and checked my internet connection ........
same issue on both my bravia tvs 49inch and 65 also my apps on my blueray are not working or wont connect either...
tried swapping to Lan
resetting tv
rebooting router
changing wireless channels
run speedtest no issues...
using 5ghz wireless on my 49 inch for some reason my 65 inch cannot find the 5ghz channel...
factory reset of the tv's did nothing
checked firmware update it last updated on my day of purchase/install of the tvs on 14th december was no issues until this morning at one point it was only amazon prime affected now its any streaming service netflix/youtube etc..
i contacted my isp NO ISSUES.. my daughters sony laptop is working great on wireless so it has to be a sony server problem...note that my ps4 pro and sony phone are both working great for netflix and prime and both are wireless aswell..
The same issue in Ukraine on my KD-55XE7005
Mám bohužel stejný problém,nejde aplikace Opera,Browser,chyba 2123,vidím,že nejsem sama,televizor mám teprve od listopadu a zatím fungoval dobře ve všech funkcích,tohle je problém dneška,je to tím,že je silvestr?Poraďte,prosím.
Same problem here on 32wd600 in Bulgaria.
Ive made factory reset. Ive updated the firmware to the newest one and still the same proble 2123. Ive tried with LAN cable and still the same. On the New Years eve we cant listen to our favorite music from youtube around the table... PATHETHIC SONY.
Update on my kd65 some of my apps are working again now netflix and youtube... prime and iplayer are still not working both throw back the 2123 error.
the kd49 still wont work at all even when i use a lan connection. i think it could be a software update both tvs are 4k and less than 3 weeks old purchased on 14th december 2018..ive told my wife to use the games console for prime and i gave my daughter the laptop for i player...
hopefully they both get back to full working order by tonight or i wont hear the end of it..
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