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На второй месяц пользования появились жёлтые пятна в левом верхнем углу экрана. Я расстроен. Судя по тому что в интернете масса жалоб на аналогичную проблему с данной моделью телефона то я не одинок. Кто как решал эту проблему
In the second month of use, yellow spots appeared in the upper left corner of the screen. I'm sad. Judging by the fact that there are a lot of complaints on the Internet about a similar problem with this phone model, I am not alone. Who solved this problem?
Hi @Alfoxid, welcome to our forum!
I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.
If the yellow spots are visible in the display test that you can find in Settings > Support > Tests > Display, I'm afraid that the only solution is to have the device sent in to an authorized service centre so the display can be replaced.
For further assistance with this, get in touch with your Local support team and they will arrange a repair for you and answer any questions that you may have regarding warranty, local service routines and consumer laws.
Let me know if that helps!
Sorry for the incorrect use of the Russian language. Now to the problem itself. The fact is that there is not a year for the phone, and the phone was in the Service Center three times. After my post on the forum, I carried it to an authorized service center and will carry it for the fourth time. The problem is solved literally for two months.
I called Sony support, I was told that to change the screen
Hi again @Alfoxid, sorry for the late reply, I have been out of office due to vacation.
I understand the frustration with having the device repaired over and over for the same fault/defect.
I'm not very well informed about the consumer laws in other countries than in the Nordics where I'm situated, so the best would be to ask your Local support team about how many times the device can be repaired for the same fault before a new action is taken, such as replacing the device or similar. They are very well informed about consumer laws, but you can of course contact the consumer law department in your country as well, if you prefer that.
I hope that helps and keep me posted!
Good afternoon. Merry Christmas !
The screen is really enough for two months. I just took it from repair on 11/19/2019 and now I'm going again. I think that я y 19/01/2020 the whole side will be yellow). How is that? For me, Sony has always been associated with sound and screen quality. And then there are two devices and I run with them every two months to the service center. They started greeting me there. Which means that Sony is no longer the company I knew
Hi @Alfoxid, sorry to hear that.
I'm not sure how the consumer laws works in your country but here in the Nordics the device will be replaced with a new one if it has been repaired for the same warranty fault two times.
An example below.
Yellow spots after 2 months from purchasing it > send to service.
Yellow spots 6 months after the previous repair > send to service.
Yellow spots 3 months after the previous repair > contact retailer and make a consumer claim > if the claim is approved > send the device to service with the claim device > device is replaced at the service centre.
This is how it works in the Nordics, but if you are in a different market, get in touch with your Local support team and they will explain how it works where you are situated.
I hope that helps and have a nice weekend!
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