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Screen Burn in Issue


Screen Burn in Issue

My Sony Xperia X is having screen burn issue, and I gave it to be fixed and they said that there is no issue with the display. They also said that they reinstalled Android again, but still this issue keeps appearing. I tried those screen burn in apps from the play store, but still there's no improvement. Is there any solution for this problem ?


FYI, got my phone back yesterday, and they replaced the display, all is well again! They even replaced the USB port, which was a bit wonky (the cable kept falling out) even though I didn't even mention it Grinning_Face


I guess I'll have to give it for repairing again. Thanks for the advices guy's.


I too have Yellow burns to the screen.

I have been to the retailer who said they must send it to Sony however they offer no temporary device and when I contacted Sony they said the same thing.

Now it has been looked at by the retailers engineers who say it is a hardware issue and it must be repaired however with no temporary phone and no option for replacement I am unable to be without a phone.

This by the way is my 5th replacement device of the same model... I will not be buying Sony again that is for sure.


I have the exact same problem. (staus bar and edges of the screen) 

What should I do?

I have also seen it disappear eventually but comes back again


Well Sony say to send it into them but they said my phone has liquid ingress which is BS as i take good care of my things. so besides sending it to them or going to a shop to pay £90 for a new screen i can't advise you. 


Pixels were not burned out. It's kinda memory effect because buttons always white. Try to run "Dead pixels test and fix" or similar app for at least 10-15 minutes. It will run colorful patterns on the screen to shake it up


I have had the very same issue 5 phones is 2 years all lasting approx 3 months each. 

I have raised this with Sony but keep being fobbed off so what do I do as my 6th brand new xa1 is just over 2 months old and is now doing the same thing and I am now out of contract. Great thanks. 


I've had my experia since March last year and I've seen an image grow over months in the top right corner! I think it's related to the heat my phone sometimes reaches!


I have a  Samsung phone right now but from my understanding and less you have just an LED phone a doesn't matter what you have all read which is what most phones are you will have  Burn in  My phone has it real badd from displaying mobile strike20190703_160423.jpg


It sounds like Sony gives very good service how much did it cost for them to do that or was that just part of own in the phone