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Terrible experience with Xperia tablet Z customer service


Terrible experience with Xperia tablet Z customer service

I have had the WORST and the most DISGRACEFUL customer servie experience of my life with Xperia team. Can any body give me a complaint address to complain about the managers in customer service, as it seems like complaing to the managers does not work in Sony's system!


I have purchased a Sony Xperia tablet Z in July, and in a few months I realised that it is faulty and does not recogniset the SD card. Here is the description of what I went through:

1) The brand new Xperia tablet series Z I purchased online from SONY's website was FAULTY in the first place. 
2) I contacted SONY customer service to report the problem and to ask for advise on how to get it fixed through the warranty. They sent me an EMPTY email with no attached form, and I had to call again just to request the form to be sent to me!
 3) I packaged and posted my SONY Xperia tablet, in the ORIGINAL box as advised by SONY, to the same address provided for me in the form. Then I receive a phone call from SONY mobile that the address SONY customer service had given me was not the correct address, and I need to call back (the 4th call to SONY) to confirm a few details. This is only a few days left until I go away on holidays, for which I was supposed to have my tablet with me!
 4) I called SONY mobile and they told me they wanted a few details such as the address to return the tablet to me. I was told that I had to call customer service, AGAIN, to get the correct address and then resend the device to the correct centre. As I didn't have the time to do this and it was SONY's mistake in the first place sending me the wrong address I requested that they forward it to the correct centre themselves. 
 5) Not hearing back from SONY and only a couple of days until I go away, I wrote an email to SONY customer service to remind them that I haven't received the tablet, and I will be going on holidays shortly. I received an email, on the day I was going away, 11th of December, CONFIRMING that my device will be forwarded directly to the relevant repair centre.
 6) I came back from holidays to realise that the tablet was delivered, in another box, the ORIGINAL BOX MISSING, together with a form that says my device cannot be fixed, not mentioning a reason! I call SONY (for the 5th time), they say they are sorry and I have to wait for the turn around time for SONY customer service team to call the repair centre to make it clear why it cannot be fixed. I called the repair centre, there was no record of my device. Then, Jonathan, a manager from the Escalations teams called me (my case had already been escalated, imaging what I would have gone through if it were not escalated!!!1), asking me to scan all the forms I had received, promising to get back to me by the end of the week. This was 31st of December, Tuesday.
 7) I did not hear back anything until Friday the 3rd. I call SONY (7th time) to get an status update. The person who handled my call advised me that I have to wait as it is generally very busy at this time of the year.  Later on Jonathan called me to let me know that my device has not been forwarded to the repair centre at all, and I have to post it once more to get it to the repair centre!
😎 I wrote a complaint, the only reply I received from Jonathan was that he is sorry for all the trouble, and this time he is going to personally look into this so that this does not happen again and this would be a VIP case.
9) I sent the device back, as of 4 weeks ago, receiving a letter that it is going to be fixed in 5 working days. 4 weeks passed, I didn't get my tablet back, I call the repair center, they don't know what is happening and SURPRISE SURPRISE it is still with the engineers, they promise to call me back WHICH THEY DIDN'T. I call back, they tell me some part needs to be exchanged! I called Sony customer service again to speak to Jonathan, he called back and tells me apparently they need to exchange something that they don't have in stock, and they didn't even bother to update me and this was supposed to be a VIP case!!!! OMG what kind of customer service is this?!?!?!?!? and all I hear back in reply to my complaints is that we are sorry, but this sometimes happens!! WHERE IN THE WORLD this happens?? I have had faulty devices before with APPLE or SAMSUNG, and everything was so smooth and easy. Sony didn't bother to reply to my last complaint which I sent a week ago, and I have to chase them up to beg to reply to my complaint!! This is very DISGRACEFUL! I can promise that I will NEVER EVER buy another product from SONY!

Will not be surprised if SONY NEVER reply .... they really are a JOKE of a company


Same bad customer service experience with my tablet xperia S:


Ma mésaventure avec ma tablette Experia S m’a dégouté de la maison SONY.

En effet j’ai consulté le service assistance de SONY suite a une panne soudaine de ma tablette (ne redémarrait plus) . J’ai été baladé de services en services pendant plus d’une semaine pour arriver à la conclusion que ma tablette devait être envoyée au service réparation.

Il fallait avancer environs 65 euros de frais divers sans garantie que la réparation puisse se faire.

Pour une tablette de 4 ans j’ai laissé tomber.

La réputation de SONY en a pris un sacré coup… Autant sur la qualité du matériel que sur le SAV et communications diverses.



Hi all,

Xperia, like PlayStation, have there own dedicated community so could I suggest you post your questions, complaint there as you are more likely to get better assistance on the dedicated Xperia support forum..


Sony Escalation team UK are the rudest and worst customer support team in the world

Not applicable

Hello SonyBadSupport


Although your post does not violate forum rules - your statement above does not include any fact based evidence from your experience to support your claim of this.  If you have a complaint, either contact Sony or post your full issue on the forums.




I am going through the same thing at the moment and they have lost my headphones but don't seem to be getting back to me and it has been 7 months totally appaling.


Has your issue been resolved and how did you do this?



 this the right address as they have given me another one with a postcode of NE8 3AE