Built In WiFi problem

I have a Sony Bravia 55xe8396b TV bought just over a year ago and suddenly seem to be having a major issue with the WiFi on it. 


Since getting the TV  we've had multiple occasions where the WiFi has dropped and we've been unable to reconnect at the time, however usually a few days later the issue has sorted itself and we've been able to continue as usual. About 4 months ago, I reset the internet connection with the TV to the WPS setting and since then we've had no problems at all. 


Until Thursday, I went to watch Netflix and got a message to say the TV wasn't connected to the internet. When I went back to the home screen and to the settings, I noticed the WiFi button was in the off position. I tried to turn it back on but it keeps flicking straight back to the off position. 


I'm now in the process of factory resetting the TV to see if that helps, but for a TV a little over a year old, we didn't anticipate having these problems. A quick google search shows that a lot of people have issues with the internet connection on Sony TVs, so I think this might be our last one if we can't rectify the issue. 


Has anyone else had this same issue or something similar? I'm not sure what else to try! 

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