
NEW SONY HT-RT3 Front Panel Display not working

I bought a new Sony HT-RT3 home cinema set, but after first time operation, the front panel display is not working anymore even though the sound system works well, but without display is vert inconvenient and it is NEW, I bought in BCC NL, I hope Sony can contact me for a solution, as a message from a forum, it is a a production problem. 


Please see the message below: with link



Re: No Display on Front Panel HT-RT3. Sound is coming from speakers

Dear Sony,


Finally i got my HT RT3 repaired from service center. Thanks a lot.


Note: I went to the Sony dealer from where i bought my HTS. he said "that display panel problem is the manufactring defect from company, as 2-3 customers have also complained about the same display poblem"


I hope Sony take a note of this.






Expecting answers from Sony service.

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