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Missing widgets: Netflix, iPlayer etc. on KDL-42W805A

I have had limited success with using my TVs interactive functions, I primarily use Netflix and iPlayer but more often then not when I switch the TV and press the SEN button I am presented with a sparse menu consisting of the Sony Interactive widgets, web browser and a couple of others but Netflix, Crackle and other widgets are nowhere to be seen.

-I am connected via LAN
- Network settings shows that I have an Internet connection
- I have tried refreshing Internet content, resetting to factory settings, switching off router and TV from the power plug; none of these seem to help

I am occasionally able to access the widgets but it all appears t be a bit random, can anyone shed a little light on what could be a problem and if there is anything else that I can try?

Has anyone else experienced these issues with their Bravia??
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