Делитесь своим опытом!
для Vista и 7 32 bit https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/mobile/11-3_mobility_vista_win7_32_dd_cc...
для Vista и 7 64 bit https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/mobile/11-3_mobility_vista_win7_64_dd_cc...
Message was edited by: DJ_URAN
подойдут ли данные драйвера для Sony VAIO VPC-EA3S1R?
после установки и последующей перезагрузке экран остается черным, помогает только откат на старые драйвера через безопасный режим.
Message was edited by: a.e.kosmakov
У меня тоже был черный экран. Оказалось, что после установки дров автоматом рабочий стол переключился на второй (HDMI)
Надо нажать Win+P и переключить на основной.
не помогает
после установки - черный экран
на портах HDMI и VGA изображения нет.
комбинация Win-P не помогает.
А зачем Вас драйвера новые? Обоснуйте просто - зачем? Страсть иметь все новое и приобрести кучу неприятностей?
Вот небольшой списочек нововведений/исправлений в драйверах видеокарты (с декабря по март, у Сони судя по версии драйвера от сентября):
1) Support for OpenGL 4.1
2) AMD Stream 2.3 SDK release
3) DivX interlaced content no longer intermittently shows corruption.
4) Tom Clancy’s Endwar no longer randomly hangs during game cutscenes.
5) Crossfire no longer gets randomly disabled in some games after task switching.
6) Random black streaks are no longer seen on menus in Metro 2033.
7) Corruption is no longer randomly seen with certain graphical settings in F1 2010.
😎 Screen is now rendered correctly in Splinter Cell Conviction with Crossfire enabled.
9) Random tearing is no longer observed when playing back XVID video files on an extended display.
10) Random crashes are no longer observed when playing the Stone Giant DX11 Demo when Crossfire enabled.
11) Random crashes are no longer observed when changing video settings in Supreme Commander 2.
12) Need for Speed Shift no longer displays random corruption during game play if 2 races are played consecutively without exiting the game.
13) WMV playback no longer goes blank occasionally after switching from 32bit to 16bit color.
14) Random mouse cursor corruption is no longer seen
15) The screen is does not intermittently display garbage when running 3dMark06.
16) Dragon Age Origins no longer hangs intermittently during gameplay.
17) Changing resolutions in Starcraft2 with forced AA no longer causes random application crashes.
18) The desktop does not darken occasionally after exiting Eve Online.
19) The desktop does not dim randomly after exiting Mafia II on some Radeon 4890 products.
1) Aliens vs. Predator game no longer fails to load with quad Crossfire enabled..
2) Text is no longer missing randomly in Nostradamus- The Last Prophecy demo.
3) Graphical corruption is no longer seen occasionally in Nostradamus- The Last Prophecy demo.
4) The Protoss Pylon Matrix is now rendered correctly in Starcraft 2.
5) Task switching in Dirt2 with Vsync enabled no longer causes a dual link monitor to go black.
6) System no longer crashes when enabling Crossfire with 2 monitors connected to the primary card and 2 monitors connected to the secondary card.
7) List of supported TV resolutions now includes 1080p 24Hz (if supported by the TV display).
😎 Cyberlink PowerDVD no longer randomly exits when playing a blu-ray title with the “Aero-on” option enabled in the player.
9) An error message is no longer intermittently displayed when viewing a slideshow using Windows Live Photo Gallery.
10) Windows Media Player no longer displays a black screen when continuously playing several VC1 format files over a 4 hour period.
11) “Host Application not responding” error message is no longer randomly displayed when launching the AMD Catalyst™ Control Center.
1) Catalyst AI Texture Filtering updates
2) Tessellation Controls
3) Morphological Anti-Aliasing support for the ATI Radeon HD 5000 Series
4) Corruption is no longer randomly observed running the Unigine Heaven benchmark.
5) Texture corruption is no longer observed when running the Unigine Heaven benchmark with Super AA enabled in the Catalyst Control Center.
6) HAWX no longer intermittently displays corruption when running in DirectX 9 mode.
7) Visual corruption is no longer seen when running Lost Planet in DirectX 10 mode.
😎 Playing a 720p WMV format file no longer randomly causes laggy system performance.
9) Video corruption no longer intermittently affects the display when playing a SD format DVD using Windows Media Player.
10) Choppy video playback is no longer observed when playing a DVD with interlaced content using WinDVD 10.
11) 8x Anti Aliasing is now correctly listed as available with certain 3D applications.
12) The AMD Ladybug demo no longer freezes when viewed in camera mode.
13) DirectX 9.0 games no longer show intermittent corruption at the bottom of one of the cloned displays.
1) Seamless GPU Compute support
2) 3D BluRay playback no longer displays random frame loss.
3) The 8x Anti-Aliasing is now correctly listed in some OpenGL applications.
5) Tearing is no longer randomly observed when playing Bioshock with Vsync and MLAA enabled.
ноутбук я брал только под игры (не предусмотрено в квартире место под стационарный компьютер) и обработку видео/фото.
для обработки видео и фото он оказался малопригоден (после UXGA IPS матрицы в моем стареньком IBM T60p).
но прогадал, мало того что частоты видеокарты занижены дак еще и драйвера не обновляются.
А никто не сталкивался с такой штукой, внешний монитор через VGA очень не четкое изобржаение
ноут ea3s1r/b
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