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I am having difficulty finding anywhere on the professional website to register my warranty - could someone please point me in the right direction
Hi samuelmagee
welcome to Club vaio..
Are you referring to the standard warranty or have you purchased an additional warranty pack.?
If you have an additional warranty pack, see below..
Open the E-support portal, if you Do not have an e-Support account yet then click here to register, enter you registration name and password.
Once logged in select 'Manage the products you registered', then click on the + next to the model that you wish to add the extended warranty to and your serial number should appear underneath..
Click on the + next to the serial number, default should appear.
Click on the serial number again and a product details box and Add new warranty box should appear on the right, enter your warranty details into the Add new warranty box and complete the procedure.
Next time you log into E-support the warranty number you've just entered should appear under your Vaio's serial number just below the word default..
If that does not work then contact vaio-Link for further advice..
Try here...
I think you are right Thalamus...
Best regards
If I'm not wrong, there's an option at the vaio-link website to extends the warranty by typing in the warranty code.
Of course... the VAIO must be a registered VAIO.
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