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OK, I have given up trying to get the TV program working on my older Sony Vaio desk top (running XP) It was easy before digital, I could just plug the aerial in and there it was.
I have a newer Sony Vaio all in one desktop VPCJ1 running windows 7 64bit. No TV card only usb ports. Does anyone know if it is possible and if so how how I could watch and record TV on this computer. What extras would I need and which software. Any suggestions accepted.
Solved! Go to Solution.
LOL, yes I do sleep but at my age I go to bed when tired and get up when I wake; especially when the sun is shining
The reason that all your emails and address book reappeared is that (I assume) you are using Hotmail or similar – all data is held separate from the application itself, both locally and on the email server – deleting/reinstalling the application usually has no impact on data. All that is generally required is to enter user name and password on a fresh install and all data is automatically reconnected with the application.
Although I am not a fan of the software that comes with PCTV as I experienced freezing (I have only tried this on a Vista machine – Win 7 may work better) I suggest you pursue your case with support as the recorded file format is more likely to be compatible with Pinnacle, thus avoiding the secondary process of conversion.
Good luck with today’s tasks and please let us know how things progress.
Hi Rich, Still trying to get the tech guys to solve the problem with the TV Centre not loading the channels. They asked me to download something to allow them to check my PC; told me to do that, email them the code and wait by my PC. Did that and sat by my PC all afternoon, nothing, not sure what to expect. Anyway, I thought I might try something else, as WMM doesn't burn the disc I used WDVD maker. First it spent 45 minutes "encoding" and five minutes actualy burning, unfortunately there was no sound although part victory because the file was accepted by Pinnacle 16, so part of the way there. I did a search and evidently I had to download a codec settings file, just trying another DVD, so slow! When I read all the reviews about this contraption, most said how easy it was to install but also most used WMC as you suggested. I can't fault the quality of the recording or live TV just this little niggle about using the footage in Pinnacle. Having a day off tomorrow, my mind is buzzing. Not a cheap bit of kit and a little annoying if I have to do without the TV centre setup because that means half of the gear is of no use. Remote, antenna, out of date software.
Take care
Hi careyclose,
A few years back I did try conversion of the native WMC format recordings but with limited sucess. Things may have moved on in the way of available applications that can do this but as, at the time, it was only out of interest I have not bothered since.
If PCTV support fail to come back I suggest you try an uninstall/reinstall.
If you still suspect a problem with the supplied disk and are unable to obtain a replacement then send me a PM.
Hello again Rich. Still no response from those tech guys, sent them the codes again today and told them I would be sitting at my computer as requested, wasted the afternoon. Found a long way round getting the TV recordings in to Pinnacle so at least we haven't wasted too much time and effort.
Sadly I have just had another problem and I am not sure if it might be connected with this TV stick. I had a blue screen stop. Basiclly what the technical information said was: STOP: OXOOOOOO5O plus a whole lot more, it would give you something to read in bed. Seriously I am a little concerned about what to do because the guarentee on my computer ends soon. I have uninstalled the TVcentre part of the program and also the converter programs that didn't work. Don't want to uninstall the WMC part if I don't need to. Got everything back as normal:smileylaugh: and downloaded PC helper I think. That did a scan and came up with some figures: System Problems 385, critical,Malware and performance were ok. Privacy 94, critical and Junk Files 540Mb 1030. critical. Then came the crunch "Fix them all" give me your money. In my nievity I thought they were going to help:smileyblush:. Anyway I thought you might like a challenge.
Hi careyclose,
Apologise for the delay in replying.
Disappointing to hear that PCTV support would seem to be next to useless – luckily I haven’t had need to use their services.
STOP: OXOOOOOO5O is a generic code that can relate to a myriad of causes and without more detail of the message is very difficult to narrow down – not that I have any detailed knowledge or could necessarily point you in the correct direction…
If this was a one off, and since removing both TVcentre and converter programs you have had no reoccurrence, I would let things be. There is certainly no need to undo any WMC settings as this is almost certainly not the cause.
Hi Rich, just thought I would bring you up to date. Finally managed to get the tech guy to do a remote check to try and load TV Centre, unfortunately he failed. Did a lot of tooing and froing, disable this and that. Did a scan channel but it kept coming up with "could not find any BDA devices" Seems strange considering I have the WMC working. Anyway in the end he said there was somthing broken in Windows causing a conflict, said it could also be a conflict with Pinnacl 16:smileyconfused:, part of their system is stamped Pinnacle??? I have decided to struggle on with WMC and just go the long way round to getting recorded TV on to Pinnacle 16, life it too short.
Thanks for all your help, I have printed off your emails and put them with my help files, fame at last.
Take care
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