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My VPCEE2E1E has no display whatsoever including BIOS information. There is however power still available including the ON button light, DVD player noises and cooling fan. So far I have removed the battery, hard disk and RAM modules to see if these were effecting the machine, but to no avail.
Any advice would be most welcome.
Hi phbergq and welcome.
It sounds lke a faulty screen or a faulty backlight.
To check te backlight, take a torch and shine it on the screen when the Vaio has started up. Can you see a feint image of the desktop? If yes, the inverter probably needs checking for a poor connection or a fault that will need a replacement of the Inverter.
If there is no image, try connecting an external monitor to the VGA port. Is the image on the external screen OK? If yes, your laptop's screen needs checking for a poor connection or an internal fault needing a replacement. If no, the Graphics production hardware needs checking.
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