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My laptop arrived today, 20 days after it was ordered which is fair enough. I turn it on and one of the pixels on the sceen is faulty and showing blue at all times. A small thing but since I paid for a new prodcut not what I am expecting and 1 pixel I know from my ex can spead to others damaging the entire screen.
My issue now is does this mean I need to order a new one?
Because if it is I am very annoyed. I took a day off to wait in for this, I am paid for the hours I actually work. So I am expected to wait another 20 days and have to take another day off? And I am going away and I needed to take this with me in the next week so I will now have to pay out to take another. Is there anyway Sony can express deliver my new item it was customised which was why I presume it took 20 days but I simply can not wait another 20 days and take more time off. I might actually be away on business.
What are my options? I am very annoyed that a new product is faulty and it looks like I will be put out again waiting on another spending more money. At this rate, with the loss of work I will have paid up closer to a macbook. Is there a way I can take it into a shop get it repaired at their cost obviously as I simply cant wait another 20 days and pay out of my own pocket for my loss of earnings which also was messed up as TNT changed delivery date twice, not sonys fault granted but yet another issue I have had to deal with. Maybe others can afford this expense I can not.
Hi VanessaUK,
Now, I'm not 100PERCENTAGESIGN sure, historically most manufacturers will have a threshold and one dead pixel probably didn't warrant a return. But now the consumer is a little more protected with this:
I would should immediately contact Sony support and tell them the item is faulty under the sale of goods act and ask for an immediate replacement. I would also get it shipped to your office/place of work or pickup with the little card TNT drop in your letter box, they probably have a local depot?
Hope this helps
Thanks but really doesn't help as I am based at one location. I also go on a business trip before 3 weeks. Pixel damage can lead to other pixels going. Three weeks waiting on their fault really is unacceptable.
Hi VanessaUK,
welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..:smileyhappy:
You do not state what model Vaio you have so cant give you specific information for your vaio but Sony do have a pixel policy which is available within the Sony Support site..
However I have selected a random model click on the following link - Faulty pixels policy
Enter your Vaio screen size into the Horizontal & Vertical Resolution boxes then press Calculate to see the number Sony deem to be acceptable..
If you would like to have a link for your model post the details & I'll provide a link if one is available..:smileyhappy:
Unfortunately there is not much more we can suggest here other than to contact Sony support direct - Contact Sony support
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