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I have Vaio Care version I am getting a message "A new version of Vaio Care is available. Vaio Update cannot be used until it is updates. Do you want to update now?"
on answering affirmative the update attempts to download, but then comes-up with an error message that it failed to load, please try again later. My internet access is OK, and I've tried many times. What to do?
I have a 10 day old Vaio, SVE1512C5E, with exactly the same problem. I have tried downloading and installing Vaio Update from a dozen times without success. i also tried to reinstall using vaio care/recovery again with no success. I eventually downloaded and installed from (USA) but it still can't locate updates. I also can't download anything at all from, any download freezes and then times out. Huh!
Hi all,
This problem has been highlighted with Support but I doubt that we will receive a reply until the New Year.
This may be a server glitch so in the meantime keep trying and please report back if you successfully download the update.
Looks like it wasa server problem, downloaded and installed first attempt this morning.
Now on VAIO care version
Thanks for the updating us Steve. Hopefully this will be the case for all...
This is crazy..I have still same problem.
thankyou am the same cant up date new solfware
Sorry, not for all of us. I still can't download the manual, and along with all the other problems I'm having I'm starting to wish I hadn't wasted almost four hundred pounds on this laptop...
I didn't expect this kind of problems. If I know that before, for sure I will choose to buy another laptop. I am disappointed. Not only for this updates,also for overall speed of using this applications on it. It's really slow. My laptop from before was much more faster with configuration lower than this Vaio.
now it's ok. thank you sony
its a known Server problem - try at 2 AM ...
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