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Hi everyone. I have a PCG-81112M and all was working sweet until I dropped it About 2 feet onto carpet and now it wont turn on. I cant believe its the motherboard has died (which someone told me) as it was working perfectly before the drop. Has anyone got any ideas what could be wrong with it and what I could do to try and fix it. Many thanks in advance
Message was edited by: tonyuk1974
Also when it was dropped, it was still working until I switched it off, then it would'nt turn back on. Thanks
Hi tonyuk1974,
There could be multiple reasons why it will not turn on after being dropped but as it was initially still working there is a possibility that the power switch board is damaged. Repairing/replacing this is a job for a professional repairer.
Hiya Rich, thanks for your reply. I have now been told it could be CPU?. When I press the power button the light comes on and the fan spins up and hdd spins like it wants to start. Have tried the memory in a different laptop and its fine its not that. As my board is an i7, would an i3 cpu run or will it just say no? I have an i3 cpu laying around so was gonna give it a go but didnt want to fry the i3 by trying. What do you recommend. I do admit tho,it is starting to look like time for a new laptop :
Hi tonyuk1974,
I don’t profess to have a lot of knowledge on this subject and another member may be able to confirm or otherwise, but I think your actual model is a VPCF11C5E (or similar) - PCG-81112M is the chassis model reference - and has the Intel PM55 chipset. If so the supported CPUs are Intel Core i5 Mobile, Core i7 Mobile, Core i7 Mobile Extreme Edition.
Edit: Do you by any chance have home contents insurance including accidental damage – if so the repair may be covered.
Message was edited by: rich912
Hi tonyuk1974,
Blencogo (another forum member) has kindly email me some further suggestions for you to try.
“The likely cause is a connector being jolted loose - possibly the screen connection. May be worth trying an external monitor.
Of course it could be a broken main board component but these things are tough these days and it may be an idea to check the things that may come loose: -
Hard Drive - try booting from external disc.
Screen connections - try external monitor.”
Look inside and check motherboard and screen connections (yes, including the processor which possibly has come loose)”
I hope that this may help further with your troubleshooting.
Hiya Rich, upon trying your suggestions I noticed that one of the small chips is damaged, the top appears to have come off of it. Im guessing this is the cause and a new motherboard is the only option. I would like to thank both you and Blencogo for trying to assist me in this. I dont suppose you would have an idea where I could sourse a replacement mobo? I have checked on ebay and they are £225 upwards! The model number is VPCF11Z1E, i7, nvidia cudo gpu
Thanks again
Hi tonyuk1974,
I'm afraid that I don't have a source of motherboards but do know that even a used one will cost in excess of £200. A Google for PCG-81112M motherboard should provide some hits.
Otherwise it may be worth speaking to a repairer as replacing the damaged chip may be possible.
Hello tonyuk1974 do you still need a new motherboard. Things are like thius..i have same model but unfortunately the hinge for the screen broke and i cant find a replacement.. So either maybe you want my mobo witch is working 100% or eiter i buy your plasticvs :)...let me know...Regards
Hi wind2k9,
If you Google ‘VPCF11C5E screen hinge’ you will find what you are looking for.
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