
Laptop names

Does anyone else have the same gripe when trying to find a model of laptop etc. Why can't they give them names like Ginger, Acorn, Leaf, violet or ANY word for that matter. Sure they can add a few letters after the word but it would make life a lot easier. There is a dictionary full of words available. Hope Sony reads this! Am sick of trying to find my model notes etc.

Not applicable

Like Gingerbread, Icecream Sandwich and KitKat?


I guess Sony has a reason on this, probably due to the huge range of available models for different regions.  Im sure there is a logic to it, but you must figure out that logic first :slight_smile:



In your case : VPCYA1V9E

(I Think)

V = VAIO (Video Audio Intergration Operation)

PC = Personal Computer

Y = Ultraportable

A = Either model (ie screensize or Intel)

1 = 1st Generation

V = (Probably Region)

9 = Software specifics (default is 9 for configurable laptops)

E = (Probably colour)