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Several members seem to have problems with their CD/DVD drives at the moment. As far as I know, there is no magic solution but you could try some or all of the following: -
1. See if there is an updated driver or updated firmware for your drive at Vaio-Link. Some Sony drives are re-badged from other manufacturers and you may have to search for updated downloads. For example, if you have a Sony DW-D56A drive, you can get a firmware download from HERE (Use PFS2). Many other drives are also supported on this site.
2. Use System Restore to return your Vaio to the configuration when it was last working normally.
Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore - choose a restore date before you had the problem.
3. Look in Device Manager to see if there are any errors against your DVD/CD-ROM drive.
Start -> Right-Click My Computer -> Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager - expand DVD/CD-ROM Drives and check the status. If there is an Error Code or a yellow triangle with a ! or ? come back here with the number and we may be able to help.
4. If there is no error and the drive is reported as working normally, try Uninstalling the drive by right-clicking on it in Device Manager and choosing Uninstall. Re-booting your Vaio will reinstall the drivers.
5. Try some different software to read/write your discs and see if that works. Also try a different brand of discs - Sony, TDK and Verbatim seem favourites.
6. Try a liquid lens cleaner on the lens and polish with a microfibre cloth ? this can sometimes help.
7. If your drive works with either CDs or DVDs only make sure the ribbon cable is not preventing the reader head from moving freely - check that the laser head in the drive can move freely for the whole range of its travel. The disc information is held on the outside tracks for DVDs and the inner tracks for CDs.
8. Last resort is to perform a full C:\ Drive System Recovery from your Recovery Discs. Make sure you back up all your Data as the contents of C:\ will be lost and your Vaio returned to the factory configuration.
If none of these work, you may have a hardware problem and you need to contact Vaio-Link. There is no point contacting them until you have carried out a Drive C:\ Recovery as this is the first thing they will ask you to do.
First of all a happy New Year to everyone!
but as one might imagine, that's not the only reason for my posting
My VGN-FE41Z is running on VISTA and after I recently updated with "nVidia Video Driver" and "BIOS Update R0200J3" to fix a monitor issue and on that occasion also installed "Click to DVD" I'm suffering now a more or less pretty uniquie COMBO-Drive (matshita dvd-ram uj-850s)issue:
I'm still able reading both DVDs and CDs.
Also burning and/or erasing DVDs works fine.
As soon as it comes to burning/erasing CDs (CD-R nor CD-RW)it neither works for ROXIO (Roxio Easy Media Creator HOME Version: 9.0.148) nor the Windows Media Player (11-something).
Whereas ROXIO provided some kind of error logs:
Sense: 03 ASC: 73 ASCQ: 03 (Command 2A)
MediaPlayer is simply frying my CDs.
Since I'm realy running wild soon , any ideas how this could be solved?
Many thanx in advance,
I am really not a specalist, but nothing of your recommended options worked out. But I didn't give up, so I tried if there were perhaps a connection between a windows update problem (one update could not be installed) and the fact that my cd/dvd drive has simply totaly disapeared, even thoug it has worked normally a few days before.
I think we deal with a vista problem of compatibility that sony should seriously review!!! I'm writing from Germany, so I found the helpful instructions under the following link:
English Link:
Tell me if this works.
my vaio is running on windows xp
when i try to burn a cd, i meet this error
Sense: 05 ASC: 30 ASCQ: 02 (Command 2A)
please help me
I can't upgrade the firmware on my dvd.
My notebook is VGN-C2Z/B and when i run PIFOPD-01103906-UN, display following error: target is not found.
Hello, I've just bought a vaio computer (LM1) and I hav the exactly same problem with code 10, what do I do? Sorry for my write form, I'm french, I hav to translate.
je viens d'acheter un ordinateur Vaio de bureau et non seulement le lecteur DC DVD ne fonctionne pas (code 10 comme erreur), j'ai beau désinstaller et réinstaller le pilote, cela ne change rien et jai même tenté une restauration système à différentes dates et cela n'a jamais fonctionné. L'ordianteu m'indique qu'une erreur s'étant produite, la restauration n'a pu s'effectuer.
Avez-vous résolu votre problème, si oui, comment avez-vous fait?
Merci par avance de votre réponse
Je ne connais pas ton modèle, mais j'avais le même problème avec le mien (vaio VGN-NR11Z) il y a un mois. J'ai essaié sur le site microsoft de trouver effectivement ca doit etre un probleme de compatibilité avec vista. Tu as vista je suppose? Je ne peux pas t'expliquer plus, car je ne suis pas specialiste, mais essaie ce lien et dis-moi si ca a marché.... Moi, c'était parfait apres.
en anglais
en francais:
Bon courage!
Apologies if this has already been asked - it's getting to be a long thread now!
I have a Sony Vaio VGN-C1S with Pioneer DVR-K16M DVD-RW (edit: with Windows XP)
The drive has been working fine, but now it seems unable to read any DVDs.
If I insert a DVD into the drive it finds it fine and knows a DVD has been inserted, but will not auto-start.
If you click on the drive through explorer it gives no errors, but lists no files at all and shows 0 bytes free, 0 bytes used.
It's seeing the disk, but not seeing any data on it.
I've uninstalled it, and I've updated the drivers (to a 14-11-2007 version).
I don't use it that much, so have no idea when it started to go wrong. That makes it hard to go back to previous setups.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
For example, if you have a Sony DW-D56A drive, you can get a firmware download from HERE (Use PFS2)..
hi i jus registered
and i am becoming a little worried/concerned
basically i bought a bx51 and my brother installed microsoft office for me - it was needed!
now roughly 2 weeks later (today) i was tryin to install some programmes using a cd in the cd-rom. usualy when you put a cd into any new computer or laptop it usually starts up automatically, where a window comes up giving you options on what you want to do!
i can hear the cd spinning but thats all that happens! there is supposed 2 be an icon for the cd-rom when you go into my computer - its not there even when there is no cd in the drive.
i know u have given a list of solutions but what would you specifically recommend for this problem
much appreciated
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