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Several members seem to have problems with their CD/DVD drives at the moment. As far as I know, there is no magic solution but you could try some or all of the following: -
1. See if there is an updated driver or updated firmware for your drive at Vaio-Link. Some Sony drives are re-badged from other manufacturers and you may have to search for updated downloads. For example, if you have a Sony DW-D56A drive, you can get a firmware download from HERE (Use PFS2). Many other drives are also supported on this site.
2. Use System Restore to return your Vaio to the configuration when it was last working normally.
Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore - choose a restore date before you had the problem.
3. Look in Device Manager to see if there are any errors against your DVD/CD-ROM drive.
Start -> Right-Click My Computer -> Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager - expand DVD/CD-ROM Drives and check the status. If there is an Error Code or a yellow triangle with a ! or ? come back here with the number and we may be able to help.
4. If there is no error and the drive is reported as working normally, try Uninstalling the drive by right-clicking on it in Device Manager and choosing Uninstall. Re-booting your Vaio will reinstall the drivers.
5. Try some different software to read/write your discs and see if that works. Also try a different brand of discs - Sony, TDK and Verbatim seem favourites.
6. Try a liquid lens cleaner on the lens and polish with a microfibre cloth ? this can sometimes help.
7. If your drive works with either CDs or DVDs only make sure the ribbon cable is not preventing the reader head from moving freely - check that the laser head in the drive can move freely for the whole range of its travel. The disc information is held on the outside tracks for DVDs and the inner tracks for CDs.
8. Last resort is to perform a full C:\ Drive System Recovery from your Recovery Discs. Make sure you back up all your Data as the contents of C:\ will be lost and your Vaio returned to the factory configuration.
If none of these work, you may have a hardware problem and you need to contact Vaio-Link. There is no point contacting them until you have carried out a Drive C:\ Recovery as this is the first thing they will ask you to do.
How did you solve dvd driver problem. I have SZ2XRP/C. I have 832-D dvd driver. it does not read all dvd's. How can update it to 842-D?
Hi, I seem to have similar problems to a couple of the forum members.
I have a four month old FE41M and have had problems with my disc drive.
It was unable to read any disc that I put in, so I tried uninstalling the driver in device manager as suggested, and to my surprise when I put in a copied cd it played (woo hoo! I thought).
Then when I tried to (most importantly) make some backup discs it sounded all scratchy when I inserted the blanks and then said there was no disc in the tray so I tried again and it said cant recognize the disc (which was a dvd+r) any help would be appreciated as this is driving me crazy!!!!!
Is this a problem throughout sony vaio or vista?????
Hey everyone
Has anyone helped 'Schrambo' or am I being stupid not to find the reply posts?
I have the same problem that Schrambo is having, but with a particular DVD+R, a TDK with the RW logo and 1-16 speed. When burning on ClickToDVD it reaches 100% and then reports an I/O Error, following which no computer can read the disk, but my DVD Recorder does to the point where the error occurred, exactly as Schrambo reports.
I suspect this particular DVD type has a manufacturing error, because my DVD Recorder formats them in the same way as a DVD + RW and dubs in slow mode and at slow bit rate.
I am much puzzled though by the ClickToDVD I/O error. Does anyone know why?
I have a VGN-FJ3S/W.
I have made no major changes to the computer, however, of late, the DVD drive has disappeared completely from My Computer. I cannot read discs because the computer thinks there is no drive connected. I do believe that the drive is still in working order, because it whirs and spins when I open and close the tray.
I've looked to see if there are drivers that I need to use
I was told by e-support to do a system use, in fact, Windows says that it can't.
I am rather reluctant to try restore to factory setting because this will involve the use of, yes, DISCs.
Does anyone have any thoughts? I'd like to have this resolved soon as the warranty runs out in days.
Hi Sean_J and welcome to the forum.
Are there any error codes reported against the drive in Device Manager?
If there is an error code 19, 31, 32, 37 or 39 then a simple registry edit should cure the problem.
I recommend that you backup your registry before proceeding, have a look here if you are unfamiliar with this.
1.Click Start > Run and type: REGEDIT , and hit enter.
2. Navigate to - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and locate UpperFilters, (if available) right click on this and select Delete and then OK.
3. Under the same Registry Key locate LowerFilters, (if available) right click on this and select Delete and then OK.
4. Quit Registry Editor and re-boot the computer, new registry values will be created.
After you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, you may possibly need to re-install your burning software – but not necessarily.
I have a Vaio FE21B, with a Pioneer DVR-K16M Burner. It should be able to burn data DVDs at 8 speed. However, if I try to burn a DVD, I can't select a higher speed then 2,4 speed. What can be the problem?
Hello there,
my DVD DW-Q58A on my VGN-FS495VP wont burn DVD at all. No problem reading, and no problem in defining correct disk type with both Nero and Roxio. But when i start burning process it just breaks nearly immediately, this both with Nero and Roxio. Files i try to burn are mostly unprotected material, like private pics etc.. On Nero, the failure shows "Could not perform start of Disc-at-once". And i cannot clear out Disc-at-once option, it is greyed out. Roxio i deleted, to check if it was not conflicting. Was not.
I read through this thread but couldnt see similar problem. I also have an external Writemaster USB burner which works like a charm.
I have tested several brand of disks and several format (-R, -RW, +RW, dual layer), same problem. I did upgrade the firmware to UYS3 but no change.
As master i have Toshiba MK1013GAS. DMA is on both for master and slave. No yellow triangle of warning in the device manager, as i said the drive is working very well in read mode. The DVD drive is appearing like "CD Drive (F:)" under My Computer.
What puzzle me also is that several post deal with the secondary IDE channel on which the CD/DVD should be connected. The device manager ATA/ATAPI flick show only the Primary IDE channel, with uDMA 5 on device 0 and uDMA 2 on device 1 (for which by the way i own big time to Blencongo to have helped me raising it from PIO earlier this year!!). Dont know if that could be the root cause of evil, but maybe worth noticing.
Any idea how to get my DW-Q58A to burn again?
I have a Vaio PCG-K215B and a PIONEER DVR-K12D drive that doesn't read any kind of discs anymore. I have checked all points mentioned here. Now I wanted to recover my system with the Recovery disc. Because my internal drive doesn't read this one too I bought me an external usb-drive. Is it possible to boot via usb? I checked my BIOS and found no entry for booting via usb device. Do I need a BIOS update? How can I get one?
Hy people just wnated to say something:
Have a Vaio VGN-C2S (the orange one)
Yestarday while saving some data to the CD the divre went unresponsive. Restarted the computer. Now it doesnt work. When I put a CD in it makes some noise for a few seconds but nothing el happens!!! The computer doesnt reconise the CD in the drive and if I try do drag anyfile to the drive the computer asks me to put in a CD even when there is one already in.
Today I finished the Vaio recovery tool to factory condition... didnt work. Uninstalled the driver and intalled it back in.... doesnt work.
Any Ideas please!!
Hi,ive purchase a FZ11Z a month ago, the Blu-Ray DVD drive unable to read any dvd videos but it can read dvd files and blu-ray dvd.Can you able to me help me please.
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