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hi there,
i have just brought a vaio model name sve1511a1eb and everythime i log in this comes up ( can't find script engine "vbscript"for script " c:\program\sony corporation\vaio care\delselfpatch.vbs" ) any ideas?
and everytime i try to update vaio care nothing happens
if u can help thank you
Hi Liamcurrey,
This is the second report of this problem. Before this is escalated to support can you please try the following and report back.
Uninstall Vaio care from Control Panel (Programs and Features) and then download and install the original version from the Support site.
hi rich
i tried what you said but it will not let me unistall it and it comes up with update thing but it wont update
Hi Liamcurrey,
Are you logged in as an administrator when trying to uninstall Vaio Care? If so then try again in Safe Mode.
Prior to attempting to remove Vaio Care could you please first run a FULL virus scan, then try running Vaio Care with your security software disabled.
These are the type of troubleshooting measures that Support will ask for, so if we can get the basics out of the way before escalating it will hopefully speed up the process.
yeah, and i have tried turning off security software and removing but it keeps coming up update and if i say yes it dont work and if i say no it closes everything
how do u go in safe mode?
This is a strange one especially as there is no Vaio Care update available on the Support site for this model.
To enter Safe Mode press and hold F8 at boot and then select that option.
This problem has been escalated to Support under another thread.
Please post in that thread with details of your problem so that you receive email notifications of any developments.
Hi we have a vaio ultra book and since trying to uninstall McAfee, we are also getting the same error message - Cant find script engine vbscript for script c:\programdata\sony corporation\vaio care\delselfpatch.vbs and the self care update wont work. Anyone know why?
I have exactly the same problem following uninstalling McAfee: same error message and self care update does not work. Almost certainly due to the problem of time-limited bundled software. I suspect the only way of getting Sony and McAfee to resolve this problem is bad publicity. I hope I am not correct and the escalation works.
Rather than having more than one thread covering the same problem please post in the following thread.
This thread is now locked.
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