sony w9 tv with xperia z phone

sony w9 tv with xperia z phone

Has anybody recieived there free xperia z yet from the w9 promotion?


Actually on my card (attached to the TV) there were no dates. I have a photocopy of the original. When I checked the PDF terms and conditions on the website (at the time) it mentioned about purchases made on or after May 29th (as you suggest) but on the promomotional website (from which I actually applied on the 29th May) it said purchases before the 29th May had 15 days to make an application (this has since been altered to "purchased during 23rd-28th May"). Otherwise I would not have applied, taken back my TV, and bought it again to take advantage of the situation.


I reckon Sony have oversubscribed on this promotion and are using early purchases as scapegoats. I agree that if I bought the TV a day after the promotion then fair enough - I missed my chance. But to penalise people that bought BEFORE! And for a TV that had only just gone on sale a few days earlier. And remember, I bought mine from a Sony Centre at near full retail price. Outrageous and insulting behaviour considering the outlay we have made on the equipment. 


Hy! Today I bough a 47w805. I tried to fill up the promo site. But my tv is allready registered.


I can't belive it.



That sounds bad. I missed the part of the TV-s bought before the actual promo was started. Probably because I was not interested in it. It's a shame, to annoy people with that, becasue I'm prity sure you are happy with the TV itself 😞 I did not even know zhey were selling the TV before the promotion was started. Thought it's the lead in promotion for the new TV set.


Grats for it.Are you sure you did not try to fill the form before and failed? They might have registered the failed attempt. If you've bought the TV from an official reseller you definitively should contact them as soon as possible. You have paid for that TV, and you should have the phone too.

I have been told I sent wrong info on box but I sent everything there was nothing left on box to send I ever cut it from the box and sent it recorded delivery it has been nearly 4 weeks and nothing.Why you can't just be given the when you buy the tv is beyond me

I've got it after 4 weeks. Sharp :grin: Online checking is not working, that's a shame. On the box were 2 barcodes, you might have entered the wrong one when regitered. Just an idea, but that's the only thing I can imagine


I have just received an email from Sony about my Xperia claim submitted about 4 weeks ago asking for me to verify my address details by clicking a link.  The details they had for me was missing a house number.  After completing the missing details a new (and different to the original) redemption code was generated.  As I've read elsewhere in other forums,  registering the TV within my existing Sony account details and not with the explicit link originally supplied, may have generated a redemption code that was not valid.


Hopefully you will get your phone. Theoretically if you've registered with your promotion code within 2 weeks after you've bought your TV you should get it. And you did that. The redemption code you've got is for verifying your case online, which doesn't works anyway. At least it did not work till I got my phone. (they updated my status after I've got my phone LOL)



Have you all received your free phones? Please reply if you haven't.




No, not yet, but more hopeful after receiving follow up email last week.