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i have exactly the same problem as the other people who have written about this tv model on the forum and there seems to be manty many more out thereon forums reporting the same problem that sony will not acknowledge.
there are dark lines running down my screen and a dark shadow line about an inch think on the right hand side of my screen, this was more noticable when watching football. my tv is not under warrranty anymore but is only 2 and a 1/2 years old. it seems that sony have created their screens to only last this long as lots of people have the same complaint.
i have just rang sony and i have been told that "there is no known problems with this model" that is rubbish as clearly there are a few of us just on this forum with the same pronblem. So we are paying about £1000 for a tv that will only last 2.5 years. i am disgusted with the lack of help and support from the sony call centre staff who basically said i need to get it fixed myself and i need to book it in with a service engineer. I suspect this is a problem with the panel or with the screen where a replace ment would cost you more than getting a new set. it would cost me £45 just for someone to come out and tell me that without even having it repaired. as a dedicated sony buyer over the years i cannot believe that my most expensive buy has only lasted 2.5 years.
Just adding the link to StartTheCar's description of the escalation process for this and similar faults in the following thread:
Hope that helps!
Sorry, No. This really does not help me, I have already gone down the said escalation process and the situation is as clear as day, in summary this was my response:
It has taken me 12 months, countless e-mails, hours of my own time to get this far! Is this what people should have to do if they spend £1000 on a Sony TV and it goes kaput after 2 years.
This is not a resolution, its more of a fob off. Customer deserve more respect and should not be the ones who have to do the chasing to get these things sorted.
Clearly from the amount of people posting this issue on the forum it is a manufacturing fault. Quoting things like "we deal with things on a case by case basis" is a poor way of handling this complaint.
The simple fact is that this particular set has a manufacturing fault! Why are Sony so reluctant to admit this and not take ownership is beyond me.
Please continue to post if you have had this fault as clearly this is not a satisfacory response. The more people we have on board with this the bigger voice we have - thank you!
Just done some research, apparently some Toshiba models suffer the exact same problem as this se, if you look at the photos it is almost an identical fault (What would be classed as a TCON Faliure).
Toshiba's stance is a world away from Sony's. they will offer a hassle free exchange for a new TV (of a similar spec of course) or a credit uplift.
Why Toshiba do this and Sony dont is beyond me, it must simply be that Toshiba care more about their customers, show fairness and try to be helpful rather than a hinderence.
Sony please take a similar stance to your competitors, we just want a TV that works ... thats all!
Are you all absolutely sure you have complained to Sony UK?
Sony UK claim this is not a known problem, as they don't have any mention of it on their database.
They don't take any notice of this forum, you must write to them.
We need to get organised & make sure they know we're not taking this lying down!
Anyone who wants to PM me, I am happy to coordinate this. I'm taking it to Watchdog & will write to every newspaper in the UK, national & local.
We need to get a list of all customers with this problem.
PM me with email address & I will get this going.
We too have this problem with our bravia which is only 2yrs old. Bit worried about how to get it put right but are trying to follow it up with Sony on a 'fit for purpose' legality issue - ie what they sell is supposed to be fit for purpose and not just within the warranty time. Surely Sony have an obligation when taking in excess of £1000 for a TV for it to be fit for purpose for longer than 2yrs. If the picture is obscured then clearly a TV is not fit for purpose.
Will update this post if anything positive to report.
I too have the same TV and problem. I treated myself to the TV back on 31st December 2007 and the problems you've all described (worst when watching Football or Rudgby..... which lets face it most of us do!) have steadily got worse and I decided to call Domestic and General extended 4 year cover (1st year covered by Sony) and a chap came out, left a small temporary TV as a replacement whilst mine is looked at (insisted on this as its my only TV!) and a day later received a call to say they were writing the TV off as the part was no longer available!!
I'm now awaiting a letter from D&G that will detail what they can offer me. I'm told that they should offer the equivalent replacement model but after reading all of your comments I'm very reluctant to go SONY again. Like many of you I have had SONY products all of my life and been totally loyal to the brand as I've always had no problems with quality and swear by them......... not anymore. The chap who took it away said this is a known problem with all LCD tv's as they simply cannot cope with the heat generated from the back. I asked if there were any LCD TV's that did not suffer from this problem and he said NO!!! but did say Panasonic provided the better customer service when problems occurred and confirmed SONY's quality and customer service had been declining for some time now. The Japan earthquake is not going to help the issue I fear as they look to further cut their losses.....
I would be happy to sign-up to anything required to help those of us who will be left out of pocket.
Does anyone know anyone with am LCD TV that has not gone wrong in over 4 years? any make...
new to this forum but boy am i pss'd!!
Bravia KDL 40V3000, just under 2 years old and bam goes the screen. 4 inch deep dark shadow all the way across the top of he screen.
Video footage captured when it first happened.
Local Sony Centre refused to help. c£400 for new LCD unit.
time to pester SCI ...
UKFreerider wrote:
Does anyone know anyone with am LCD TV that has not gone wrong in over 4 years? any make...
We've had a Samsung LCD for 6 years. Never had a problem with that.
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