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Hi there,
I tried to open a few different .mkv vieo files. It starts to load it but nothing happens. The TV blocks and the only thing to do is to unplug the el. cable.
I am wondering if my TV is with a deffect or is it general problem for all TVs from this serie.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi there
Firmware is just the software that the TV uses. You should be on PKG3.710EUA (see HERE for more details)
To check which firmware you are on, see the following instructions : HERE
If you need to update the firmware, and you have your TV connected to the internet, follow the instructions : HERE
After you have done that, test a MKV file via USB again - If it works, problems solved, if not, I guess things become more complicated. As in, more detailed information is needed.
Firstly, try the lowest quality Jellyfish test MKV from the link I posted in a previous post.
If that works, then your TV can play MKVs fine, it then becomes the video file/s your are trying to play, is the problem
Download a program called "Media Info" from
and post back the results in TEXT format.
Hopefully all that makes sense to you
Hi there
In what way are you trying to play the files? As in direct via USB or streaming via your network.
If you are streaming via the network (is it wired or wireless?), as well as try playing those files via a USB drive instead, to test if it plays.
If you are playing directly via USB - ensure that you have the latest firmware installed.
Got a KDL-46W905a yesterday (replacement for a 46X4500) and it has the same problem.
I make sure upgrade to latest PKG3.710eua firmware (came with something like PKG3.10).
Using XBMC on an old laptop ad UpnP/DNLA server to stream MKV over wireless from shared drive.
All that happens is screen blanks and pulses slightly with the 'in progress' icon at the top right.
I know MKV is just a container so I am going away to check codecs etc.
Just a tad very, very disappointing this does not work out of the box.
I have not tried playing MKV from USB, that's my next task.
I have tried with latest Serviio but that remux MKV on the fly MPG/M2TS and using my hardware it's always stuttering so unwatchable (was same on old TV). The XBMC just streams the files so should work.
Does anyone have any suggestions to get MKV over wireless working.
If you are streaming wirelessly, try wired (network cable) as a test. As this will/should determine wireless issues. But you also must bear in mind the max bitrate of the video file. If you are using a very high bitrate, try re-encoding it lower as a test.
A good way to test your wireless/wired network to the limits is using the Jellyfish test files.
See :
For more information.
Hope that helps
Hi Quinnicus,
Yes, I tried USB flash and it didn't work. Actually, the same thing happened as when I stream from WiFi.
What do you mean by "latest firmware installed"? Should I update something on the tv? How?
Hi there
Firmware is just the software that the TV uses. You should be on PKG3.710EUA (see HERE for more details)
To check which firmware you are on, see the following instructions : HERE
If you need to update the firmware, and you have your TV connected to the internet, follow the instructions : HERE
After you have done that, test a MKV file via USB again - If it works, problems solved, if not, I guess things become more complicated. As in, more detailed information is needed.
Firstly, try the lowest quality Jellyfish test MKV from the link I posted in a previous post.
If that works, then your TV can play MKVs fine, it then becomes the video file/s your are trying to play, is the problem
Download a program called "Media Info" from
and post back the results in TEXT format.
Hopefully all that makes sense to you
To update me earlier post.
Thank you for the jellyfish mkv link.
The 3 file plays ok.
The 5 and 10 files stutter.
I then stopped using wireless and bought some powerline network units (200Mbps rated).
The 3 5 and 10 files play without stutter.
However, the sony tv tells me the audio format for these jellyfish files is not recognised.
I have found the root of my problem.
The raw mkv files will lock the sony tv.
I then remuxed the mkv to another mkv using mkvmerge software.
For this I specified 'no compression'
The resultant file then plays audio with a blank screen showing unsupported format.
However, I then went to read the supported formats in the online manual for the kdl-46w905a.
Link here:
The Sony will play MPEG2 format files.
BUT for the mkv format, being a container, the sony tv does not support MPEG2 inside a mkv file.
Why, oh why? It's not like Sony aren't a computer maker too.
To me it appears sony expects mkv format only to be used to backup blu-ray disks.
Also in my opinion that's rather short sighted.
If I use software to take my original mkv and remux them to an mkv containing MPEG4, H.264, XVid then then play fine. My only issue is I need to find remux/conversion software that maintains the AC3 dolby surround sound (5.1/6.1) rather than taking it to just plain stereo.
Or if anyone can recomment software to take a DVD straight to MKV format mpeg4/H.264/XVid? (I can't seem to make makemkv do this!).
I chose the mkv format to create my digital library from my existing DVDs as I considered that the best container without loosing quality. Appears I might have been wrong.
I hope my experience might help some others.
I have used MediaCoder for my DVD rips. A kind of advanced tool, so not recommended for newbies. Movies are saved on my Synology NAS with original audio in 2.0 or 5.1 in mp4 using h.264 and aac + subtitles. Serviio is used as mediaserver on the NAS.
Just tried out the jellyfish test and it goes to 45 Mb/s wireless, but no sound here either.:smileyd_oh:
I recognize your codec trouble. I had my first CD rips as lossless WMA on my NAS, cause specs says WMA are ok, but oh-no not lossless it seems. Now they are all mp3. As a customer it's certainly not easy.:smileygeek:
Hi there
Thank you for adding extra information, hopefully It will helps others.
Have you tried a program called "MakeMKV"
I havent used it in a while, but last time I did - It just works
Nielson - I agree with you, It certainly is not easy. What with Containers, Codecs, Lossy and lossless formats, bitrates, Wireless/wired issues. A day will come that all this will be mum/dad friendly. We're not there yet.
I am finding it a bit hit and miss. I have USB HDD connected to 47W805A and it seems to play mkv files OK, no sync issues that I found with other formats. However, some will not fast forward / rewind and the screen goes black and the video restarting from the beginning... other files fwd/rwd perfectly. Ones that don't fwd/rwnd also don't resume from the last point on restarting. I have been using H.264.AVC (various configs: 720p @ 4500 kbps, 1080p @ 9000 kbps and 720p @ 6000 kbps) with mp3 @ 44.1 kHz but can't find any correlation. I have hte latest firmware from December... any other ideas?
... makemkv doesn't work for any of the videos; shame because it's fast!
Thanks in advance.
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