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I think we all do this regularly; I keep my phone charging overnight, I watched it once, what really happens is it keeps on charging till it reaches 100% and it automatically disables charging, when it drops to 99%, it charges again till 100%, and stops till it drops back till 99% and so on..
I was wondering, is this healthy for the phone's battery?
What can I do about it?
Thanks in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
So, you are using resources to monitor the way the system uses resources - do you not spot a certain irony there?
You must remember that Android is not windows and it manages it's memory requirements in a completely different way - it doesn't run out of memory, you don't get 'memory low' warnings because it kills background aps to claw memory back when it nees it.
At one point, everybody was recommending app killers, nowadays, as we gain more understanding on Android, opinion seems to have changed.
If the system needs an app, it will keep it running, if you kill the app then the system will restart it when it needs it. Waking a dormant app uses less memory/cpu power than restarting from cold which leaves you with a phone that's running slower than if you left it to it's own devices.
That is true up to certain extent, not all apps behave the same and not all those apps will be killed by the system, an example of that is, if I run yahoo mail, gmail, browser, some graphing calculator, camera, messaging, voice search and angry birds (and all the other apps that run with those apps) the phone will slow down so much its hard to do anything with the x10. even if I wait or attempt to use it like this its almost impossible. So yes Android will kill some apps but not all of them (its not perfect), there's nothing wrong with monitoring my phone. It seems a bit insulting that you are generalizing how an android should be use or could be use. again its up to everybody to decide if they want to kill or not to kill one or all the apps. Like I said above, using a regular task killer its a way to guess-kill some apps that should be dormant but aren't which are slowing down your phone and draining power for no reason or use task killers like watchdog to check on apps that weren't coded properly. Don't take it personally, we are all trying to help each other here, if you feel/believe that theres no use on any type of task killer thats up to you but one thing its for sure, watchdog wont kill all the apps, only pour coded apps if you decide to kill it or uninstall it or replace it w/ another app.
I know we are trying to help each other and wasn't trying to insult you. My point about task killers was there for everyone to read and offers an alternative to those that recommend them.
Quite why you would run a game, the camera etc all at once and then midst game and photography shoot take time out to monitor performance is beyone me.:smileylaugh:
It's horses for courses as the old saying goes but since I (and many others) removed task killers (either simple or advanced) our phones ran smoother and became a lot more stable.
You like task killers, I don't
oh no no, not that I'm doing it all at once, but I had that situation where I'm playing music while I'm on the browser and I happen to take a picture of something random, uploaded or MMS it then switch to that addicting game then checking some emails, the phone becomes extremely slow even if I wait 30min, 1hour it's the same thing, I had to kill some apps. That's why I said to monitor the CPU not so much the memory.
i.e. you need an app to avoid to manually close undesired processes... all you need is to uncheck background data when not needed, doing that force android to close all application automatically and immediately... try understanding your system before installing angry and useless apps.
What's going on with all the rudeness and such predisposition to assume that I don't understand nor know my own phone or Android. Its rather insulting. I know Android and I know my phone and I keep learning everyday; why not Instead of trying to put people down or try to say that you are better than someone or implying that others are ignorant you could simply say, my way of solving or addressing this issue is by doing so and so, its not the only way but it works for me, my way works better for me and the way I use my phone your way or other way will be true to the way you or others use their phone.
Just a thought
As far as I am concerneed, you are welcome to use your phone just how you like but the moment anybody starts giving out information to 'new' users that could easily be misconstrued then it is up to the rest of the community to offer an alternative point of view.
This thread was abvout night time charging but your first post suggested using Task Killer - that wasn't what the question asked and wasn't really relevent. when questioned, you went on to suggest a different app (Watchdog) for monitoring system performance - again, not answering the first question.
You may well believe that task killer apps are the best thing since sliced bread but many of us don't share that view - the internet is a big place, we can't all agree
just seem to be not very clever adding an "all-time active" app to get the same job that android will get done by itself in a better natural way.... taskkillers and antivirus are useless even dangerous for android at this point. Nothing personal "just a thought"
Watchdog its not the same as a regular task killer which only monitors memory, there's a big difference, you should try it and see it for yourself, and just like everybody its entitled to do what they want with their phone, new users have the same freedom to read multiple ways to addressing certain issues. either your way, my way, or other way. and exactly my point to you a task killer its pointless since Android manage many things but as I gave an example there are certain things that Android should be doing but it doesn't quite work that way with X10 as with other androids. Task Killer (Memory) its debatable, true; a monitoring CPU task killer its different.
My suggestion on task killer was indeed relevant if there's poor coded app that keeps running in the background draining the battery either taking too much memory which for the most part Android handle and solve or taking a big chunk of the CPU power then its an issue.
if you read above I gave an example of how my phone gets really slow if I run certain apps and how Android don't stop them to free some memory nor CPU power.
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