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Witam mam problem z sluchawkami. Dzialaly przez tydzien a po tyg podczas sluchania muzyki wyskoczyl ten komunikat i przestaly dzialac... co zrobic zeby naprawic blad?
Hello :smileysmileywink: I have a problem with the headphones. They worked for a week and after listening to the news, the message popped up and stopped working ... what to do to fix the fault?
Hi @bajo1
Welcome to the community
Your post has been translated as this is an English only forum, please remember any posts/replies must be in English
Unfortunately I'm not able to read the error message in your screen shot, could you please post what it says in English so I can help out.
Let me know
Zestaw sluchawkowy nie jest obslugiwany. Uzyj innego zestawu albo zajrzyj na witryne pomocy technicznej Sony mobile, w celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji
The headset is not supported. Use another kit or check out the Sony mobile support site for more information
Hi @bajo1
Have you tried another headset with your device? Do you get the same error message?
Let me know
Te moje sluchawki ktore nie dzialaja w moim telefonie dzialaja w innych normalnie
These my handsets that do not work on my phone are working in other normally
Hi @bajo1
Again, as this is a Global English only forum please ensure all posts/replies are in English.
Can you please confirm if different headphones work in your Xperia handset or if they also get the same error message.
Let me know
You may have an idea?
Hi @bajo1
In this instance I would suggest contacting your Local support, they will be able to assist further and may make it a little easier for you as well
Tylko to jest tak ze caly czas wyswietlana jest ikonka zesluchawkami, ktorych niemam podlaczonych, iniemoge rego wylaczyc. I niewiem co sie stalo.
Only this is the whole time the icon with headphones is displayed, which I am not connected to, and I need to turn it off inadmissibly. And I did not know what happened.
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