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Two months ago I contacted Sony support after a couple of weeks of the Netflix menues changing over extremely slowly - so slow that you sit there for minutes as the icons tick off slowly one by one ending with the red dash. We have the fastest broadband and Netflix works perfectly on our two laptops and smartphone. After suggesting all the same obvious checks I'd already done including a full system reset i just keep getting standard emails telling me it is top priority and they will get back to me. This has gone on for two months now with no solution in sight. i wanted to phone Sony to complain but taht is not possible either. Like many people here i have been using Sony products for manhy years but this excruciatingly poor support is really putting me off buying Sony in future. Panasonic supported my Dad who is in his nineties very well and in a really friendly and helpful way. I'm glad he hadn't bought Sony. If anyone has any idea why our player has these very slow menus on Netflix and also pixillates at the beginning of playing a title and how to solve it please let me know. i know that Sony route Netflix requests through their own server and although they say there is no issue there I'm not sure I believe anything Sony support say anymore. They don't actually deserve the title "support" since they don't actually give any - they just send out standard "you're a top priority" emails and hope you will go away.
That is very interesting.
I don't know how old your system is but mine was purchased in 2016, and then we tend mostly "end of lines" dumped in Cyprus - not sure when this model was first launched! So Sony are just ignoring any complaints.
Turned the cinema system off after using for me means as least the first selection is not subject to slow menus.
I've been thinking of upgrading to a 4K player, but I have HDMI 1.2 cables to the projector buried in the ceiling, and can't see how to get the signal to the projector without construction work.
inal post you'd have seen that we've only had it just over a year. Why do you think I'm so annoyed with Sony? I contacted their support well within a year of purchase after weeks of this slow menu nonsebse etc and they failed spectacularly in evry respect.
I've had several "chats" and numerous emails with their technical support. All I have achieved is wasting my time! I have decided to chalk it up as a "mistake" on my part for thinking that Sony is still a trusted brand. I will not make that mistake again. The cinema system is broken, and Sony are pretending that they have not had the problem before. I used to feel that spending that little extra to get a top quality product was worth it; I can now remove Sony from that list.
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