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I have a sony giga juke. It will not turn on using the remote - it is showing a blue flashing light as if it is in standby but the controls on the unit or the remote will not work. This happended before and I had to turn it off at the mains. Has anyone had this problem.
Solved! Go to Solution.
But it is the same procedure. This procedure does not work. It does not last. Because it apparently has stopped the unit freezing on the model you have in your workshop does not mean that all the other users on this forum are wrong. The temporary fix does not work. Please tell me if I am missing something.
More baloney.
Disabling an NTP server isn't a cure. It doesn't work.
If it was, why, instead of disabling it, try pointing it at one that actually works.
But again, I don't believe NTP has anything to do with this problem. And to claim it's a temporary fix it's just wasting people's time trying to implement it.
Unless, of course, you guys in Technical Support can categorically say, that this really is the problem, which I suspect you can't. We need a real answer on what the problem is, then at least we know and can ultimately wait for a real fix. But not knowing what the REAL problem is, is getting more and more frustrating.
When powering down the unit of an evening, the blue light glows as though the analysis phase of uploaded tracks has started, and you can't power the thing up again without power cycling. It's that simple. How much longer do we have to wait for an insight into what is causing it ?
Again, I do appreciate responses, but not if they don't fix, waste time and plainly upset people further.
I totally agree alanh8. This is very irritating. Why on earth are they banging on about a temp fix that we keep telling them does not work. Also offensive is the latent suggestion that because their model has not frozen we are all at fault and doing something wrong. A new pdf guide, same procedure, same spiel about how this will solve the problem until a more permanent fix is found, and the problem is still 'tagged' as answered.
Exactly same procedure, so obviously exactly the same outcome.
I'll go and fetch my fire extinguisher 🙂
Just because after you apply the "procedure" you can switch the unit on and off a few times doesn't mean it is fixed (you've had what, 16 hours to test you latest suggestion?), otherwise simply resetting the unit could also be called a temporary fix (it is clearly no worse or better than the NTP nonsense).
For the record I have had the auto-setting of the clock disabled since my unit first started playing up (ie September), as at the time I thought maybe it was a time related bug causing an automated update process to initiate (30 years as a software engineer tend to make you think that way!). It didn't help then, it doen't help now, I got maybe a day before the issue returned. As it happened I then forget to switch the auto-setting back on so I've been running my unit for about 6 weeks now with it disabled and it hasn't helped one iota.
Sorry, I was just providing the most up to date information I had available. It was certainly not my intention to waste time or to cause further frustration. As I said, this was written this week, in response to your feedback and, last time I checked, it was working.
If some of you have already tried this, and your units have still locked up, then we clearly need to look at it again.
These PDFs are the result of attempts by our local Product Quality Engineers to find an effective work around while we wait for Tokyo to complete their investigations. For the most part, it seems to have worked for the 500 (ours is has continued to work for over a week now) but not for the 55, which we are clearly having real difficulties with.
I will continue to keep an eye on this issue and make sure any news I recieve is posted as soon as I get it.
I've been following these posts for the last 4 weeks or so its about time I added my name as another unsatisfied customer. I have tried the latest temp fix as given in that pdf but it has not been any more successful than resetting the unit with the wireless adaptor disconnected. It lasted 24 hours or so then the machine (NAS-S55HDE) locked up again.
To clarify are you definitely stating that the fix is working for all models APART from the NAS-S55HDE?
Is the S55 model the original (connect to the web) one ?
Has Sony ruled out a hacking attempt?
Do they know yet what has caused this ?
I am not going to try any more of these so called fixes as I am not a very tech person and it is taking me sooo long to do them and am just getting more and more cross as it is taking up an ever increasing amount of my time.
It is supposed to be a device for 'pleasure' not TORTURE.
At what point will Sony start to consider giving up and just giving everyone their money back as I for one am mighty peeved now.
I am not even going to tell you what my hubby thinks.
Sad thing is a Sony Bravia was on the cards for our christmas treat, think it highly likey he gonna get a panasonic one now.
Sad as we both always valued |Sony as a brand.
I have been using this new fix for over 24 hrs now and I have turned the unit on and off in excess of 24 times to see if it was going to lock up but so far it has not.
My system is wired to my Modem - not wirelessly with the dongle ( my unit cannot find it however close it is but can find my neighbours).
When I check the Wired Lan Settings it advise me that it is
Connected to the Home Network
No Connection to Internet
Yet when playing a track and I select options and then Select Obtain Title Information, Album or Track it can find a number of the same track titles but on different CDs such as Greatest Hits or the Orginal CD release.
Can some one tell me if it is going on the internet to do this check or is all the info on the units hard drive?
On another point Lee has explained that this is a temporary fix and has not described it as anything else so why are people getting irate?
We are all frustrated but as I have written in the past we just need to keep badgering until a permanant fix is provided.
I suggest that you can only criticise the fix - if you try it and then finds it fails.
The more information given the better.
I have also noted that not all thread readers have posted the information Lee requested please help him to help yourself and others.
Hi Simonjash
I think I have been quite clear on this temporary fix issue, I have tried it six times now, and for me it does not work. Without applying the 'fix' my unit can be used continually without locking up for 48 hours or more. With the 'fix' applied I have managed 24 hours before the unit locks up. In other words, from my experience the 'fix' does not make any difference to my unit at all. Other users on here seem to be reporting the same - so the 'fix' does not work in all cases.
To suggest that this is a 'temporary' fix when it clearly is not in many cases makes me 'irate'.
If the 'fix' is working for some, or isolated cases, then I am of course very pleased. But if it does not work for a number of users then it is not a resolution, or a fix, temporary or otherwise.
Simon whast you say is on the face of it all well and good but as I have continually said in my poost I AM NOT a tech person and this takes me ages .
I have reckoned that doing everything I was told to ( the 4hr conversation I had wi 'customer services' plus the time I have spent attempting these so called temp fixes), It would come to 2days work.
I am simply not prepared to waste anymore time.
I tried and failed to find out from my system what software mine is using and that took me ages -I know people posted how but, it didnt work cos it kept freezing and frankly I give up now.
I now await either:
A permanant fix that WORKS
or a refund.
If necessary via trading standards help.
As has been posted previosly we have an excellent case for NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE.
I am now using it without the dongle and if i wnt to uase web or network I do in the full knowledge that I have to do a hard re-boot.
I am retiring from the thread now as am sick of it all.
SONY is a tainted brand as far as we are concerned and will never get another penny from us.
This is not the only issue they have ATM so they need to get their house in order.
I bought the thing as it was Sony, we do not buy - throw away brands in this house for anything, never again
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