Share your experience!
Hey guys,
I have an idea, if you're new to the forum and just want to say hi, then feel free to post here.
Message was edited by: Thalamus.
Hallo everyone,
I've found my username and password so thought I'd take a look on the forums because I haven't been on here since they gave it the new look
Hope everyone's well!
Welcome Back!
Have fun!
Thank you jumpsuit! You have fun dancing!
hi all im new here too i'm not saying much because i'm still gob-smacked with my new vaio
Welcome to ClubVAIO gigantor
Any problems with your new VAIO just let us know.
Which model did you get?
Hi gigantor. How goes your new Vaio?
Hi gigantor,
welcome to Club Vaio..
Also welcome back quetzal_paradise..
Hello all - relatively new to CV, but have had a wee scout about and looks good!! New footie game is far too addictive, and not so easy when you've had a few ! Anyone know how to sort threads into a 'newest post first' order? Or should I ask that in the tecky forum???
Hi San Fran! Welcome to Club Vaio
Just click on the recent threads tab at the top of the page and that will list all new posts in most recent order.
Hi san fran,
welcome to Club Vaio..
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