Share your experience!
Hey guys,
I have an idea, if you're new to the forum and just want to say hi, then feel free to post here.
Message was edited by: Thalamus.
Hi gary! Welcome!
Hi Gary,
Welcome to Club Vaio..
I also want to say hello!
I'm using the forum (mostly reading) now for nearly a month and I think it is time to introduce myself.
I'm from Germany; Berlin and something like a Filmmaker (gonna try to study filmmaking in london).
And I love my Vaio (it's an VGN-N21Z) looks pretty good and runs fine!
regards Sebastian
Hi Sebastian,
welcome to Club Vaio..
Congrats on 1000 posts Pandora, now another 34k to go! LOL
Singing to the tune of "Boots made for walking" (Jessica Simpson version)
Pandoras boozing but she's walking
And more boozing is what she'll do
One of these days
Your posts will be three point six percent of Keeloo
Damn I can't get the Jessica car wash scene out of me head now
Congrats Pandora our resident wordsmith extrordinaire
Hiya Lily.Munster, cosmos-galaxy and smattukat to ClubVaio
hi people,
i am new here and i've just found this part of forum(i am usually searching for solutions for my vista vaio in solution room)so i just wanted to say hi to everyone. i think i wud never use vaio if this forum isnt as good as it is, thanks to vaio experts(thanks people)!
hope u r all ok!
talk soon...
Welcome to Gary, glavaa and Sebastian.
And thanks to Kee-Lo and Tony. Loved the rhyme Tony. How goes Michael?
Hiya glavaa to ClubVaio
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