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I have an old Sony Handycam PCR-PC3E (from 1999) and need to download the videos onto my hard-drive on the desktop.
How can I do that ?
Sony haven't been at all helpful.....
Hi @AlfieDudley
Do you still have a PC that has a serial port? Do you still have the connecting adaptor?
It's definitely going to be tricky to use a 20 year old camera today.
Hi @Win_88,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Yes, I still have an old laptop (Sony Vaio) with a firewire socket and a firewire cable to link the camera to the laptop……..
I think there may originally have been a CD to run on the laptop but I certainly can't find one...
It would be great if you were able to give me some help !
Click to Disc only worked with Windows XP.
Follow the tutorial here:-
You can read the tutorials and download the manual on the Support Page for your model:-
This thread should really be in the Camcorder Section so others can find the solution. I’ll move it in a week from today.
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