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can someone advise me on how to contact sony complaints team?
I have tried 10 times to contact sony and agents only promise to call back and no one did.
My faith in sony is gone and i just want to write an official complaint to see if there is anyone in sony really cares about customer satisfaction.
@anwarowais Hi and welcome to the Community.
Is there anything that we may be able to help with?
Alternatively you could try writing to Sony Head Office at Weybridge, Surrey.
Yes could u give a dirct phone i can ring as a last atempt before i write a complaint. I tried the customer support who only gave me false reassurance and false promises.
I don't have a direct phone number for you to ring for complaints.
If you tell us what the problem is we may be able to get someone to contact you though.
Ahhh ok, thanks fo letting us know.
I will escalate this for you - please be assured that someone will contact you. (It may take a couple of days.)
Are your contact details correct on your profile here?
Also do you have a case number from your contact with Sony?
My mobile is ******** home number is******** and my case number is 12594130
Just to start, what u have told me that someone will contact me, is exactly what i have been told every time i contacted sony. With no luck!
Sent from my iPad
Edited for your safety:: Please don't post your personal details such as phone numbers on a public forum.:smileywink:
No problem.
A few people have shared your concerns but have been pleasantly surprised when they are contacted by Sony after we have escalated something here.
You aren't contacting Sony on this forum, just volunteers and other members who may be able to help
@anwarowais Hi.
I have been informed that Sony have contacted you and have offered a repair to fix your TV.
Can you confirm this?
Sadly it looks like @anwarowais won't be answering
but we can assume they are happy with our help and with the outcome.
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