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Sony DSC-T99 compact camera

Sony DSC-T99 compact camera

Hi,  I have a Sony DSC-T99 compact camera.  When powering on it produces a 'buzzing/vibrating' noise

causing the screen image to 'shake'.  Not aware of any physical damage, ie: having been dropped etc.

Sometimes when powering on the camera will work fine.  Pick it up on another occasion and the above

fault occurs.  Could this possibly be a battery fault ?  I do not have a spare to try, and am reluctant to buy one

as the fault may well be a serious issue with the camera itself.  

Any advice would be appreciated.




Hi @Hooperman1 


I guess you may be another victim of the well known problem that affects the DSC-HX20V and other sony cameras

You should read the complete thread "[DSC-HX20V] bruit de moteur à mise sous tension", here in french, can be translated using Google Translate here. Rather interesting.

I'm afraid you don't need to buy another battery, as @paulpro explains here that he has already tested several batteries (here in English) and that the behaviour remains the same.

Watch the video on YouTube "Sony DSC-HX20V - Noises" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJBXSJDO1-Q to see if you have the same symptoms. Seems to be a recurring problem at Sony.

Best regards,


Community Team

Hi Hooperman1 , I say contact Sony, I've searched and it's not a known issue by Sony. I believe an inspection might be required at some point but take a video and send it for investigation.


Very strange that SONY is not aware of this, because in the thread "[DSC-HX20V] bruit de moteur à mise sous tension", you will find 20 pages of customers that introduced a complaint to the SONY support services


Oui, je suis à l'origine de ce thread

Soit une mauvaise communication entre pays, soit ils se foutent de notre gueule, choisissez la raison!

La seule solution: ne plus acheter de cameras SONY, il y en a de très performants chez la concurrence et surtout, avec de vrais services clients.

Chez SONY, ce n'est même pas un SAV, pour ceux qui connaissent la différence.

Bonne continuation, surtout pas avec du SONY 😞