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Hi, i recently bought a SONY DSC-WX9. It seems to be ok apart from one thing. While am watching the videos i've shooted i see something like pixeling on the horizontal level. Am not moving the camera too fast while recording and ive never seen something similar or a problem like mine mentioned on the internet so far.
This happens either in FX or simple HQ recording.
Thank you for your help
Message was edited by: eftihas
Message was edited by: eftihas
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Mick,
I think i found the answer...My graphics card resolution 1600x900..Shall i continue? Nope!
Obviously it cannot produce a resolution of 1920x1080.
Had my mind on my older lap top which was full HD coz it could play Blue Rays and didnt search for the minimum requirements for this kind of resolution.
Thx a lot for your help. Lots appreciated,
Hi eftihas, welcome to the Sony Forums.
Could you describe the problem a little more? Is this pixelation along the transition between light and dark areas, such as mountains to sky, or do you have horizontal lines breaking up?
Assuming this is happening while you're watching the playback on your PC, there is always a possibility that the problem is realted to the PC hardware. You can rule this out by viewing it on another PC if possible and see if the pixelation is still there.
If it's the same, the problem must lie with either the video encoding or processing. It would help enormously to see an example of the problem, by posting a link to a clip or a still frame, which might indicate where the problem lies.
thx for the reply mick. I will shoot a video and i am gonna post it very soon so you can see on your own what i mean.
Am having this message when am trying to post two videos of the walls inside my house..."The content type of this attachment is not allowed".
The problem is detected when the camera is moving either slow or faster. It's like it has stipes. I found a couple other topics where was said that the camera was faulty.
I also tried watching in another lap top but the same happens. i could say it's even worse on the other lap top.
Am using a VAIO VPCF12E1E in case you need it.
Is there any other way to send you the videos?
Thx again Mick
Hello again
You can upload the file to a video hosting site like YouTube or Vimeo. Once it's live, grab the 'embed' link from the hosting page and paste it into your post on this page by clicking the "Insert Video" icon above the text box - it looks like a film strip with a > (play) button on it.
i dont know if you can see what i mean in this video because the stripes r not so intense after uploading in you tube like they r while watching at the lap top but you r the expert and i hope you ll see the problem.
Hello again, thanks for your patience.
I've now had a chance to view your test video properly and even at maximum upload resolution I'm afraid I can't see any striping, banding, pixelation or anything out of the ordinary for that kind of capture
It's interesting that you noticed the stripes were less noticable once you had uploaded it. While this still doesn't point defitiviely at your computer hardware, it does leave open the possibilty that running uncompressed raw footage is creating a data bottleneck in your graphics processor (and hence the display anomalies you're experienceing) wheras smaller, compressed files on the same machine appear to run more smoothly.
However, as I say this is by no means a conrete diagnosis and might still come down to an issue with the way your footage is being captured and/or processed. I'm going to refer this possibility to a colleague, hopeful that we might at least eliminate one of these possibilities.
A definitive answer is likely to be frustrated by our inability to see the problem first hand, but it's quite possible I've missed something and a second opinion is never a bad idea
Hello again and good morning.
It's really weird what's happening here. If it's any help for you am using the NVIDIA GeForce 330M graphics card. I don't know. Maybe the resolution that the camera shoots stands heavy for my lap pot.
I also had to diasble the hardware acceleration on you tube videos coz i wasnt able to watch anything on full screen mode.
I ll be patiently waiting for your next contact.
Thx once again,
Hello once more
I'm coming down on the side of the camera here. It sounds so much more likely, as you suggest, that your laptop isn't quite able to display the full res file perfectly smoothly.
However it should be quite capable of rendering a smooth 'burn' onto BluRay or DVD. The YouTube rending being smoother would seem to indicate this. Try that, play it on an external player and see if the problem is still there.
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