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How to Turn off Spot Meter/Focus

How to Turn off Spot Meter/Focus

I assigned a button to quickly use the Spot Meter/Focus function. This works well.

But when I turn off the spot meter/focus function doesn't turn the camera back to where it was

[having the aperture and the iso on auto but the shutter speed fixed (as it should), i.e. on manual, which happens in manual mode, the switch on manual, down. This way i can also take control of the aperture and the iso by changing them to manual, if need be]

The only way I have found to return to my custom automatic setup, is to push the assigned button again, put the switch to auto and then back to manual. With a bit of luck but sadly with quite a bit of camera shaking and noise due to the clunky auto/manual switch + some time loss, the setting is back to where it was, unless the shutter speed had time to change during the brief moment in full automatic mode. 

Would it be possible to return to the previous setting simply by turning off the spot meter/focus mode by pressing the assigned button? That would be so much easier. Or is there another simple way?

Community Team

Hello @HenKaa, It'd be helpful if you provided us with the full camera model number so we can help.

Community Team

Thank you but I don't understand it. among other things it says: 


If you press the SET button,  "E" next to the iris, ISO/gain, and shutter speed value returns to "A"


The SET button? Is that the joystick button? That doesn't do anything. After deactivating spot focus, I can press the iris, ISO/gain, or shutter speed buttons and the respective function will turn to manual but pressing it again the "E" re-appears, not "A". I still found only one way to get back to "customautomatic mode" (iris and ISO/gain on "A" and shutter speed on manual) and that is by briefly pushing the auto/manual switch up to auto, then down again to manual. Which is undesireable for said reasons.

I wish it would be possible to set things up so that when the spot focus is deactivated, things would return to how they were before (in my case my "customautomatic mode"). But that seems not possible? Might an update fix that?

Hi, I am back with the same problem. In short: I find it helpful to set a button for Spot Meter and one for AE Shift. But if I use Spot Meter and actually use it, then turn it off again, my assigned button for AE shift doesn't work anymore. The only solution I found is to turn on full Auto briefly and back off, as mentioned, which not only creates a lot of noise and camera movement, it also jumps to a different setting than the one use till that point. Yes, I can go into the menu and use the joystick to control AE but that is really complicated, noisy and shaky. How to overcome that problem? Perhaps it is a bug in the system but updates for the camera is long over, I presume...
Community Team

@HenKaa I'd say try the troubleshooting steps from the manual and test again: