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سلام از فایل منیجر نمیشه انتقال داد به کارت حافظه خارجی نه کپی میشه نه انتقال ولی از کارت حافظه میشه انتقال داد حافظه داخلی
از درون تنظیماتم میشه ولی از فایل منیجر نمیشه کارت حافظه فرمت کردم فایل منیجر مختلف امتحان کردم نشد
Hi from the file manager can not be transferred to the external memory card is not copied nor transferred but can be transferred from the memory card Internal memory
I can not find my file manager. I did not download the file from the file. I did not try the file manager.
I've edited your post as this is an English only forum, you can use Google Translate to reply and/or post.
What if you install a file commander then transfer the files, also what are you trying to transfer?
@Hoseins333 wrote:Transmission problem from internal memory to external
Hi from the file manager can not be transferred to the external memory card is not copied nor transferred but can be transferred from the memory card Internal memoryI can not find my file manager. I did not download the file from the file. I did not try the file manager.
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