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Today, jumping lines suddenly appeared on the screen. They occur at regular intervals. A few seconds of normal picture, and then a few seconds with bands. They mainly appear on the left side, up to about 3/4 of the screen. The sequence isn't consistent. During a match, the lines were moving from top to bottom, and a few hours ago, they were jumping more randomly. Unplugging the TV and restoring factory settings did not help.
Dzisiaj nagle pojawiły się skaczące linie. Występują w stałych interwałach. Kilka sekund prawidłowego obrazu i kilka z pasami. Występują przede wszystkim po lewej stronie, tak do 3/4 matrycy. Sekwencja nie jest stała. W trakcie meczu linie wędrowały od góry do dołu, a kilka godzin temu przeskakiwały bardziej losowo. Nie pomogło odłączanie z prądu i przywracanie ustawień fabrycznych.
I'm sorry about that. Unfortunately I don't know how to help you. Can I ask how long you've had your TV?
I've owned TV since March 2021. I bought a new one.
Telewizor posiadam od marca 2021. Kupiłem nowy ze sklepu.
This looks awfully weak on Sony's part. I understand after 8 years, but not after 4...
Do you suspect any specific part? Is it worth repairing? Or should I look for a new TV?
I would record a video and go to a service that repairs TVs and ask there. It's hard to say what it could be, it could be a very cheap thing, it could also be very expensive. It's hard to say
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