
Kodi Thumbanils

 Hi, I wonder if someone can help me please because I have reached to the point where i am picking my hair out.

I have a Sony tv XE9005 with Kodi (17.1) installed from the Google Play Store. I have added movies using smb share from my external nas. I can see thumbnails for on main deck for recently added and in progress movies however, when I go to videos, all i see is blank folders, no thumbnails. I have scanned the library using all different scrappers, deleted/reinstalled kodi to an older version/ changed the shares from smb to nfs but still I am unable to generate thumbnails in videos.

I have also tried adding a folder as a favorite but cannot see thumbnails for that either.

I have added the same movies collection on my windows 10 pc using smb shares, all thumbnails show fine. Its just that kodi on Sony tv does not show the thumbnails properly. 


Is there some sort of issue with Android software on sony tv that does not allow caching of thumbnails properly or something is not right?


See the screenshots


Any help please?



No. Thumbnails are stored inside Kodi folder, so no issues with permissions.

When you go to "Videos" category, you have Movies, TV Shows, Files, Playlists and Video addons as categories and some media sources. So, Movies and TV Shows are basically the same things as they are as main categories. Files on the other hand is file browser and there you'll see the same sources as under Media sources.

And Kodi shows info/thumbs only for items which are added to library. As long as you don't set up some sources and do some scanning, you'll never see any thumbnails.

I don't know how it is on other platforms, but your issue is that you are using file manager view in your first picture, you are in Videos-Files. While on the second one you are in Videos-Movies-Titles with wall view. And Movies is a part of the library. I don't know if you get me and I'm not sure if I can explain it any better.

One other thing that you can try, apart from tags, is to try with library node editor addon. But I have zero experience with that.