Built In WiFi problem

I have a Sony Bravia 55xe8396b TV bought just over a year ago and suddenly seem to be having a major issue with the WiFi on it. 


Since getting the TV  we've had multiple occasions where the WiFi has dropped and we've been unable to reconnect at the time, however usually a few days later the issue has sorted itself and we've been able to continue as usual. About 4 months ago, I reset the internet connection with the TV to the WPS setting and since then we've had no problems at all. 


Until Thursday, I went to watch Netflix and got a message to say the TV wasn't connected to the internet. When I went back to the home screen and to the settings, I noticed the WiFi button was in the off position. I tried to turn it back on but it keeps flicking straight back to the off position. 


I'm now in the process of factory resetting the TV to see if that helps, but for a TV a little over a year old, we didn't anticipate having these problems. A quick google search shows that a lot of people have issues with the internet connection on Sony TVs, so I think this might be our last one if we can't rectify the issue. 


Has anyone else had this same issue or something similar? I'm not sure what else to try! 


I have the same problem. It's extremely annoying.

My TV is a Sony KD-55XF7596. It's got some brilliant features but has now become unusable for TV on Demand which is the main use for this TV.


I've tried all sorts of solutions. It seems to lose the WiFi passwords and also the TV puts in multiple instances of the WiFi SSIDs. It currently has two, one for the 2.4GHz carrier and one for the 5GHz. Both of these have the same SSID and password. I saw it once with the five of the same SSIDs. It got worse recently after a software upgrade and the hot weather.


It's taken me  a long time to determine that the TV set is the problem.

It doesn't happen on my other Android TVs.


I've tried your solution about holding down the power button but it doesn't seemed to have worked.

Looks like I'll have to do a factory reset, although I believe it is something inside the TV rather than the operating system. A loose connection or a dry joint maybe.

The TV is currently useless, it lasts a couple of minutes and then says that it is not connected. Then it takes about 10 minutes to get it reconnected again. It's got worse.







Now I am impressed!! I have a BT Smart Hub but know nothing about
IPv6, never mind disabling it!. Guess I just go to router page and try from
there. Will this have any other impact on my wifi though?

@glynnl4umb IPv6 is just a different way of addressing devices, it doesn't have any impact on internet connection... at least till Ipv4 addresses will be available around the world :wink: Let me know if it solves, on some router it causes incompatibility


I have an xf9005 (with the wifi issue) and a xf8505 with no wifi issues
what so ever.

The issue where it comes up wifi not connected when watching online
services was resolved by connecting both Sony tv's to 5ghz and leaving
everything else using the 2.4ghz connection. I don't get that message
anymore. Most routers have this functionality.

The issue where I turn my xf9005 on to find the wifi module has turned
itself off and won't turn back on unless I restart the tv (not turn on and

Home / Settings / Network / Advanced settings - Will show the Built in wifi
slider in the off position and even if you switch back on, it doesn't
actually turn on. So you return to Home / Settings / Network / Advanced
settings and its showing off again.

To resolve go Home / Settings / About / Restart - This will reboot your tv
and the wifi module will come back on and work for the day or a number of
days until the issue returns.

My point is, if it's firmware related, the issue should happen on both tv's
use the same firmware.

Maybe the xf8505 has a different network card to the xf9005?

Or the module is turning off as a security measure because of suspect
network traffic? Just talking out loud again.

I had to restart today , first time in 3 days.

One thing is different with my two setups. My XF8505 Usage and Diagnostics
is off and my XF9005 Usage and Diagnostics is ON. Completely grabbing at
straws now, but have turned this off and will see how that goes...….

Since turning that off, I've not had an issue. Anyone else had a look at
that setting and turned it off?

No idea why but seems to have resolved itself. Never did hear back from Sony tech support!!


Hi, I have the same problem so have just turned usage and diagnostics OFF. Will let you know if it works in a few days. ( anything’s worth a try )


Tried your idea, ok for 20 mins then back to the annoying message WiFi not connected. Worth a try I suppose. Sony need to sort this problem out 


This problem has not been resolved, it is still happening to a lot of sets