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Hi I have the Sony xr65x94j but I am having problems streaming programs. The film starts but then freezes on pure stream. But on other streaming sites (Netflix, Disney and prime run fine). We have 200mbps Internet. The TV is on WiFi would it work better wired. Also sound keeps dropping but if I switch it to TV sound and then back to sound bar sound comes back.. Any idea why these keep happening.?
In order to use pure stream, from specification, it requires 115mbps minimum speed so, although a wired connection should be better, it does not fit the requirement being capped to 100mbps. You should check better which is the actual speed you get on wifi (it should be better on 5ghz but also more dependant on obstacles and proximity to the router)
Very bad on Sony's behalf you are saying 115 megabytes required Sony advert is 80 MB for Pure required, we are running 200 megabytes so should run fine but doesn't...
Be aware that 200 mbps is only the (declared) speed of the internet connection supported by the provider to the router, you have to be sure that it pass through all the elements to your tv. This is basic networking: the maximum speed is the minimum you get in any network element
Thank you... Just did nexflixspeed test on TV this is my result. So I am within speed range but have issues as stated.
Hi I have reset the TV and freezing seems better, but there is a issue with the app stopping sound to sound bar after time watching but then I switch to TV and the back to soundbar and then it works.. Doesn't do this in any other app works fine in Netflix and disney and YouTube, and Im now using a ethernet cable and bravia core picture stream works fine. Wifi over 100mbps ethernet 84mbps and still runs fine no picture freeze... Testing to see if soind stays on using ethernet or is it the app.. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Plus in app it says upto 80mbps that's upto 80mbps it says in the app not 115mbps.
Sound problems may have a different cause (depending on the audio codec used, HT integration, cable used,...).
Regarding the bandwitdh needed, it is 80 mbps as we already agreed, but the requirement is normally higher in order to have it stable (i.e. netflix uses maximum 15 mbps but reuquires 25 mbps). Than it is up to the app if this requirement is hardcoded in the app, or just a suggestion (so it won't stop if not matched). Reading on the internet the algorithm used by the app to adapt the actual bandwidth available to the streaming seems as of now not too smart (i.e. compared to netflix again or youtube), so your residual freeze could be (just could be ) due to a variance of the bandwidth by your internet provider or internal LAN
Hello @D-Law81,
as I can't see that information within your replies - did you perform a factory reset once to see if that resolves the issues with BraviaCore?
It can resolve weird issues with e.g. the Cache of the TV/App.
- Nic
Yes I tried that but it still froze.. It mam just be sony need to do a update.. Hopefully. I have seen other people with the standard X90J having the same issue so it's the app not me.. 😊 Thank for helping.
A lot of the issues you mentioned seemed to be relating to performance in some way.
Have you tried clearing the cached data for the entire TV (Device Preferences - Storage - Internal Shared Storage - Cached data) then restart by holding power?
Hope this helps!
- JD
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