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On the US version, I am having serious (likely hardware) issues with discoloration on the right side of the front/selfie camera. You can see it in the attached picture. I returned my phone today, got a replacement, and it has THE SAME EXACT PROBLEM, with *same* odd shape and discolorations. As if the lens manufacturer sent faulty lens to the assembly line, and someone forgot to check for quality control.
Too bad, as I love this phone very much, but if this is an issue for many US customers, it will prove lethal to this mid-priced line in the States, as few people are giving it a chance as it is.
I will check the software updates page when I get home, but am fearing the worst. Hopefully they don't need to make a major recall of their US phones.
Typing from my second likely defective Xperia 10 Plus. Hope no one else has this issue, but I can't be so "lucky" to get two faulty new phones in a row.
Star Ace
I've never seen this behaviour before to be honest, does it act this way in all scenarios?
Yes-second new phone had the same exact bad discoloration bubble and line as the first. On a regular front camera online test, it shows the same issue. Not related to software, it seems. The store I obtained it from now has it for "shipping only" (I had the silver 10 Plus model) where it used to be in stock. It is likely they sent that batch back to SONY.
Cutting corners leads to customer disappointment and lack of faith in the brand. This big problem shouldn't have ever happened im a new product that isn't that cheap jusy because it isn't the Z1. Quality control is very jmportant, and shiuld not have been ignored-use good components, check suppliers, and make sure things work so they make a good impression.
That said, I wish you the best with your phones, and that you enjoy using them. Was a nice looking and reasonably fast phone
Can you please take a picture of a plain background if possible... Like a white wall etc.
I had to return it.
In any case, just as in that picture, there was a bubble with a green/res line on the right side (of course, it"s on the left for the actual photo.) What annoyed me is that it was the exact same problem on the two new phones, indicating they sent them bad lens and someone didn't check the lens before assembly. And I was used as their guinea pig and wasted time transferring android and having to go to the store twice within two days of phone release.
SONY will likely say "I am sorry" and do nothing to "save money", I am sure. So do most companies, ro be fair.
Best of luck. Hope this forum member's phones work better for them that they did for me.
Apologies if I appear belligerent, but I should not have had to go through two defective new phones in a row. Imagine if you went through the same thing with any other brand.
I understand completely,
I will continue to monitor this thread in case others have similar issues, thanks for highlighting it for me.
You don't have a cover or something in the way of the lens?
It was defective front cameras on both new phones. To top it off, each had the same exact defect/discoloration. I did give the phone a chance, as I liked the shape and how it felt, but wasn't willing to risk a third phone with the same defect (in my case, both were silver plus models.)
As I said, though manufacturing accidents happen, that I had the same defect twice in a row with new phones didn't leave me with a good impression-big letdown, as I got it on release day (and the bad replacement, the day after.)
The store sent back their silver models, it appears, so that may account for no one else having this problem. Hope no one else goes through that-guess it wasn't meant to be my phone after all.
Quality control failure at the end of the production line I would say.
Mine has the same issue. I hava an grey Xperia 10 plus
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