Triangle shows up after update


Triangle shows up after update

After the update to android 7, the triangle returned, does not work, what can I do?


Hi @Alvie, I am very sorry to hear about that. Slightly_frowning_Face

I am afraid that I do not quite know what you mean by the triangle showing up - could you fill me in on some more specifics? Is the triangle an icon or symbol that you see, and if so where does it appear?

Do you think that you would be able to capture a screenshot of the triangle and attaching it to your reply so that I can see what you mean?

Keep me updated and I'll be glad to assist you! Slightly_smiling_Face


I have the same problem,the BACK button is working for a few minutes after restart,then it works only on the edge of HOME button,If you touch it in the middle where it is not working at all.

The issue is when the table is in landscape mode,it it is working perfectly fine when the tablet is in portrait mode btw,also tried to reverse the tablet again in landscape mode,it is the same the button works only the when touched on small part of if close to home button.After reset or restart it works for a small time.So for sure it is software problem.

I am running 376 build form december 2016


Hi @Zhivko1, sorry to hear that. Slightly_frowning_Face

Oh, now I understand what he meant by Triangle. When you notice that it stops working, could you enter the service menu and try the free drawing test, and then try drawing over the area where it does not react to touch? 

In order to do so, depending on if you have the LTE- or Wi-Fi version it may vary. For LTE, go to the phone app and enter *#*#7377378423#*#* > Service tests > Touch > Free drawing test. For Wi-Fi to get the phone pad, go to Contacts > Menu (3 dots in the top right) > Settings > Press and hold for a few seconds over the home button and wait until an option appear stating "Enter service code" - press there and repeat the steps for the LTE variant.

Let me know how it went! Slightly_smiling_Face


Just tried the test,the area(here the back buuton should be) is perfectly working,but the device in going in portrait mode for the test.I am not sure if it is related,but when the device is in this mode the buttons are working,they are placed on the short side of the screen.The test is not able to flip the screen.


That's OK, as you just need to test the area of where the back button would be located if it was in landscape mode. As the next step, can you try to see if the back button behaves the same while the device is in safe mode?


Yestarday i preformed software repair,i did it last week too,it didnt help then.

Now i am testing with a clean isntall,w/o restoring from backup,it could be some of my applications causing this,for now everything is working,but i need some more time to confirm and start to install my applications one by one to check them.


Ah, that sounds like a good step to try - I was about to recommend that next.

Please keep me updated on how it went!


Ok,I think i found what is the problem.Everything is working fine,until the first power down due to exausted battery.After that the back button is not working properly,just a tiny surface of it,close to home button.Then only factory reset is workaround,after restart it works for a few minutes only.


Does it still occur even without restoring a backup? I'm afraid that if it persists even after a software repair, then I can only advice you to have the device sent to an authorized service center so that a technician can examine it for you. Slightly_frowning_Face 

The easiest way to do so would be to get in touch with your Local support team and ask them to assist you, as they are well informed when it comes to local service routines, consumer laws and warranty terms.