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XDR-S40DBP DAB RADIO replacement aerial connector + screw

XDR-S40DBP DAB RADIO replacement aerial connector + screw

Any ideas on where I can source the small metal part that the aerial screws into the extrusion on the back of the radio . I overtightened the screw I fitted after losing the original and it snapped one half of the connector. I don't need an aerial just the connector fitting and a correct screw to attach the aerial to it and thence red area identifies connector that snappedred area identifies connector that snappedconnector that I needconnector that I needthe radio.


None of the mostly Chinese sourced replacements on Ebay, for example, give the size of only the aerial, but the roughly 24mm x 6mm connector is never mentioned. Espares don't show anything useful! I did try to get one from a scrap one for sale on Ebay but I certainly wasn't prepared to offer the £10 plus postage asked.

Not applicable

Hey @derekthom,

That's a tricky one to be honest with you! And the fact that the unit is no longer being manufactured, and that it's quite old isn't helping as well. 
As a long shot you can contact a Sony engineer and see if they can help:
You might also wanna check the part itself from these guys:

Hope you can get it sorted soon.