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WF-1000XM4 ANC doesn't seem to be as effective.

WF-1000XM4 ANC doesn't seem to be as effective.

Hello all.

I've had my WF-1000XM4's for just over a week now. This last few days the ANC doesn't seem to be anywhere near as effective as it was when I first set them up. If I go into the app and change between ANC/ambient/off there is definitely a difference in each setting but I can remember setting them up originally (sat in this chair, infront of this TV) and being amazed that I could turn the TV volume right up or clap my hands and it was barely audible. Now it is much more noticeable.

I have initialised the app and the 'phones several times but its still the same.

Any suggestions please? 

Not applicable

Hey there,


Does this happen when it's connected to a specific device? Or, does it happen with all devices? 
For now, you can reset, and initialize it, then test it once more: &


Hope it helps.